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nickel pig iron production process

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KEYWORDS: Lateritic nickel ores, nickel pig iron. INTRODUCTION Nickel is a very important metal which is widely used in the industry. Refined meta4 powder and sponge forms are the main end-product types. The most remarkable consumption area is stainless steel industry as 62% of metallic nickel. It is followed by super alloy and nonferrous alloy

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The Nickel Production Methods from Laterites and the …

This is the nickel pig iron (NPI) with 2.5–5.5% Ni that comes from laterite smelting in the blast furnace (B/F). Eventually, the advantages of the R/K-E/F process led to its dispersion in China and Indonesia and resulted in an NPI production with 3–12% Ni. The NPI production in these two countries climbed from zero

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(PDF) The Nickel Production Methods from …

This is the nickel pig iron (NPI) with 2.5–5.5% Ni that comes from laterite smelting in the blast furnace (B/F). Eventually, the advantages of the R/K-E/F process led to its dispersion in...

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23.3: Metallurgy of Iron and Steel

The presence of the carbon makes the steel stronger and harder than pure iron. The higher the percentage of carbon, the harder the steel becomes. Mild steel is used for lots of things - nails, wire, car …

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Q+A-Nickel pig iron: key swing factor for nickel market

Vale plans to bring its Goro nickel mine into production next year at a cost of $4.5 billion, while production at Xstrata's $3.85 billion Koniambo mine is due 2012.

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Nickel is mainly used as f erronickel in stainless steel production industry. Its usage as low grade ferronickel or nickel pig iron (NP!) in stainless steel production is a relatively new trend to reduce the cost of high grade ferronickel. In this study, low grade lateritic nickel ores were processed by using carbothermal reduction to produce NP/. The used ore was …

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Nickel Laterite Smelting Processes and Some Examples …

mid-2000s, when nickel metal prices reached unprecedented values. Another factor in China was that many small older iron blast furnaces were available to be transitioned to smelting calcined laterites. The production of pig iron (high-carbon material) from these blast furnaces led to the development of the term "nickel pig iron".

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Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Nickel …

The primary energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from nickel smelting products have been assessed through case studies using a process model based on mass and energy balance. The required primary energy for producing nickel metal, nickel oxide, ferronickel, and nickel pig iron is 174 GJ/t alloy (174 GJ/t contained …

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Direct extraction of nickel and iron from laterite ores using …

Hydrogen, carbon monoxide and coal could be used for laterite ore reduction. The process is well investigated and widely used for production of DRI, pig iron and nickel pig iron (Sarangi and Sarangi, 2011). The initial approach in the 1970s was. Treatment of limonite ore. Composition of limonite ore is presented in Table 1.

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Nickel production from low-iron laterite ores: Process descriptions

Process descriptions are provided for the following ten plants that treat high-magnesia lateritic nickel ores (saprolite) by pyrometa/lurgical means: PT Aneka Tambang; Cerro Matoso S.A.; Falconbridge Dominicana C. por A.; Hyuga Smelting Company Ltd.; Larco (Societe Miniere & Metallurgique de Larymna); Loma de Niquel; Le Nickel, SLN-Eramet; …

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Nickel in Indonesia: A Story of Trade Restraints and …

nonferrous al, plating, and batteries (see figure loys ). The nickel production process is complex and 1 differs depending on the type of mineral deposit that hosts the nickel. In Indonesia, nickel is primarily ... (unprocessed nickel); nickel pig iron and ferronickel (lower-grade intermediatesused in stainless steel); and nickel matte (a ...

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Last Updated: 30 Dec 2023. PDF | Nickel is mainly used as ferronickel in stainless steel production industry. Its usage as low …

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Ferronickel Preparation from Nickeliferous Laterite by Rotary …

Nickel is an important strategic metal, which is mainly used for stainless steel production. ... (RKEF) smelting is currently the world-wide mainstreaming process for ferronickel production from nickeliferous laterite ore, in spite of the high power consumption. ... "Carbothermic Reduction of Nickeliferous Laterite Ores for Nickel Pig Iron ...

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Granulated Pig Iron (GPI) | International Iron Metallics …

Granulated Pig Iron (GPI) can be used, for example, as BOF coolant, or sold to third parties as feedstock for electric arc furnaces, cupolas and induction furnaces. ... 0.5-0.6 % silicon, and 94-95 % iron. Tramp elements (copper, nickel, molybdenum, and tin) are typically at a maximum of 0.05 %. ... The video below shows pig iron granulation ...

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The king of nickel is betting big on a green future in batteries

Tsingshan is credited with pioneering the large-scale use of nickel pig iron, a semi-refined product and low-cost alternative to the pure metal, to make stainless steel.

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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

January 2014 in the production of NPI (Nickel Pig Iron) in China P Prasetyo Research Center of Metallurgy and Material – LIPI Puspiptek, Serpong, Indonesia Email: pprasetiyo2002@yahoo Abstract. China is the largest producer NPI (Nickel Pig Iron) obtained from the processing of the low grade laterite (oxide ore) with pyrometallurgical …

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Nickel pig iron-matte conversion could be a game changer …

The recent plans announced by China's Tsingshan to convert nickel pig iron (unsuitable for batteries) into nickel matte (an intermediate for the production of battery-grade nickel sulfate) has shaken the market, causing nickel prices to pull the brakes on its bull run. The price uptrend was driven by the widespread belief that nickel demand for …

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Life cycle data

16. Why is Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) not covered in the study? 17. Are these data different from other datasets found in other sources? 18. How can I get access to the report? 1. What are life cycle data? Life cycle data describe process in- and outputs. They are collected for each process step in the production of nickel products.

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Tsingshan starts producing EV battery raw material nickel …

Making matte from stainless steel raw material nickel pig iron (NPI) and then nickel sulphate provides an alternative route to battery-grade nickel to the high-pressure acid leach (HPAL) process ...

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Direct extraction of nickel and iron from laterite ores using …

The process is well investigated and widely used for production of DRI, pig iron and nickel pig iron (Sarangi and Sarangi, 2011). The initial approach in the 1970s was to minimize the reduction of Iron, and to use appropriate conditions for preferential nickel reduction ( Curlook, 1972 ).

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Investigation of Pyrometallurgical Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) …

Investigation of Pyrometallurgical Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) Production Process from Lateritic Nickel Ores. Onuralp Yucel. Istanbul Technical University; …

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Profit margins key to Tsingshan's battery nickel supply …

The global nickel market is still dealing with the aftermath of China's Tsingshan Holding Group Co. Ltd.'s potential game-changing battery nickel supply announcement. On March 3, the company revealed plans to process nickel pig iron, or NPI, which is typically used by the stainless steel sector, into high-grade nickel matte …

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Nickel in Indonesia: A Story of Trade Restraints and …

Figure 1: Simplified production process for nickel in Indonesia. 2. Ferronickel/Nickel Pig Iron Production : Since the export ban was first enforced in 2014, Indonesia's NPI production has increased substantially, and it has become the leading supplier of NPI to China. According to the World Bureau of Metal Statistics, Indonesia produced

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Pigs, three different ones

Report summary. On-going development in the nickel pig iron (NPI) sector has seen production move solely from the use of blast furnaces at the time of its …

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The Impacts of Temperature, Gas Composition and Reaction …

The production process of the nickel intermediate products via the RKEF technology involves the use of coal as a fuel and reducing agent and thus generates CO 2 emissions. The production of 1 ton of nickel in intermediate products, such as ferronickel or nickel pig iron, can result in up to 70 ton of CO 2 emissions depending on the energy ...

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Indonesia's electric vehicle batteries dream has a dirty nickel …

September 21, 2022. 7 min read. Indonesia—the world's largest nickel miner—is making moves to become a key player in the electric vehicle supply chain. Most of Indonesia's nickel output is ...

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How clean can the nickel industry become? | McKinsey

Class 1 nickel 2 All nickel products except ferronickel, nickel pig iron, and ore transformed into these ferroalloys. production sees about 70 percent originating from sulfide ores, which are concentrated, smelted, and refined, and approximately 30 percent from limonite ores, which are leached commonly using high-pressure acid leaching …

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Published 2013. Materials Science, Engineering. Nickel is mainly used as f erronickel in stainless steel production industry. Its usage as low grade ferronickel or nickel pig …

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Direct extraction of nickel and iron from laterite ores using …

The process consists of reducing the ore with hydrogen, extracting of iron and nickel in the form of volatile metal carbonyls, separating the metal carbonyls and …

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The life of Ni

The output of primary nickel production is generally divided into two main product categories. Nickel Class I describes a group of nickel products comprising electrolytic nickel, powders and briquettes, as well as carbonyl nickel. Nickel Class II comprises nickel pig iron and ferronickel. These nickel products commonly have

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Investigation of Pyrometallurgical Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) Production …

DOI: 10.1002/9781118364987.CH3 Corpus ID: 136353203; Investigation of Pyrometallurgical Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) Production Process from Lateritic Nickel Ores @inproceedings{Yucel2012InvestigationOP, title={Investigation of Pyrometallurgical Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) Production Process from Lateritic Nickel Ores}, author={Onuralp Yucel …

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