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sample pulverizer thermo fisher

  • منتوجات جديدة
KingFisher Sample Purification Systems

Prepare samples efficiently with Thermo Scientific KingFisher Purification Systems that offer highly versatile, automated magnetic-particle processing for DNA/RNA, protein or …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Sample Storage & Management | Thermo Fisher Scientific …

Everything you need to protect your samples. Sample storage at cryogenic and extremely low temperatures provides security for biological specimens and derivatives of those specimens, genomic material, and compounds over extended periods of time. Preserving the information associated with stored samples is a critical part of the storage process ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Laboratory Equipment | Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Scientific laboratory equipment is designed with your application in mind. Our broad portfolio is built on technological know-how delivering reliable, high-quality …

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Sample Preparation | Thermo Fisher Scientific

Sample preparation encompasses a wide range of techniques that includes offline lysate preparation, protein or peptide enrichment, sample clean-up and protein digestion. For a …

  • منتوجات جديدة
HulaMixer™ Sample Mixer from Thermo Fisher Scientific

The HulaMixer Sample Mixer can rotate in three different ways and offers a variable speed range from 1–100 rpm. It is the mixer of choice for use with Dynabeads™ magnetic beads. Flexible—combine orbital rotation (end-over-end), reciprocal rotation (tilting), and vibration (vortexing) to achieve your desired motion & mixing.

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HulaMixer Sample Mixer

The HulaMixerTM Sample Mixer is designed to mix samples through rotational movement of the platform in the vertical plane to provide efective mixing of biological liquids in tubes. Operation of the HulaMixerTM Sample Mixer includes the following range of motions: Orbital rotational motion. Reciprocal motion.

  • منتوجات جديدة
Chromatography Sample Preparation

2022/2023 Chromatography Sample Preparation Catalog. Access the latest interactive version of our Chromatography Consumables & Columns Catalog.

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Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) | Thermo Fisher …

Our LC-MS on-demand webinar series expands your application knowledge for pharma, biopharma, environmental, omics, food, forensics and clinical research and more. Learn how the latest high-performance mass spectrometry solutions can enable your laboratory to solve your most pressing analytical challenges, regardless of sample type.

  • منتوجات جديدة
Laboratory Equipment | Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Scientific laboratory equipment is designed with your application in mind. Our broad portfolio is built on technological know-how delivering reliable, high-quality products for sample preparation and processing. We combine outstanding engineering work and application expertise to create high-performance equipment that helps provide ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
SampleManager LIMS 21.2 | Thermo Fisher Scientific

SampleManager LIMS Software version 21.2 brings updated features, architecture, and product health. Key updates include an improved desktop user experience with a more spacious, intuitive, and accessible interface. Sample containment, chain of custody, and bar code interaction have also been enhanced for a better scientific experience.

  • منتوجات جديدة
QuEChERS Sample Preparation Kits

Since then, the QuEChERS method has evolved into a sample preparation technique used on a variety of analytes in an expanding number of sample types before analysis by GC …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers | Thermo Fisher Scientific

Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers. For more than 70 years, Thermo Scientific Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers have been protecting and preserving some of the world's most valuable biological samples. Our portfolio of -80° and -40° cold storage products are built to deliver uncompromising reliability and dependability because we know your samples ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Kingfisher Sample Purification Instruments

For automated sample analysis, the KingFisher Sample Purification Intruments offer a platform fully integrated with real-time PCR to quantify a broad spectrum of bioproduction …

  • منتوجات جديدة
LC-MS Protein Sample Preparation Kits

The EasyPep Mini and 96 MS Sample Prep kits are optimized to efficiently process protein samples of 10–100 µg with a high yield of mass spectrometry-ready peptides. The EasyPep 96 Micro MS Sample Prep Kit can process 96 protein samples of 1–10 µg in parallel for increased throughput.

  • منتوجات جديدة
HulaMixer™ Sample Mixer

The HulaMixer Sample Mixer can rotate in three different ways and offers a variable speed range from 1–100 rpm. It is the mixer of choice for use with Dynabeads™ magnetic beads. • Adjustable—speed range from 1–100 rpm. • Flexible—combine orbital rotation (end-over-end), reciprocal rotation (tilting), and vibration (vortexing) to ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Mills | Fisher Scientific

4. Cole-Parmer™ CG-900 Cryo-Blade™ Cryogenic Grinder. Breakthrough, automated processing from bulk to test portions in 15 minutes or less. 5. SPEX™ SamplePrep …

  • منتوجات جديدة

Set the wavelength to 240 nm. Access the SIGNAL screen on the SETUP menu. Monitor the Reference signal ('ref') and the Sample signal ('sig'). Compare the result with the signal intensity limits presented TABLE 2-3 and fill in the appropriate field in the 'Other Tests' page of the QO/PQ report.

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TaqMan™ Sample-to-SNP™ Kit (5 mL sample prep, 1 mL PCR)

The TaqMan™ Sample-to-SNP™ Kit combines DNA extraction and TaqMan™ chemistry-based genotyping in a streamlined protocol to provide results from any sample in less than one hour. The kit includes reagents sufficient for 100 sample preparation reactions at 50 μL/ reaction and 400 PCR reactions at 5 μL for each reaction.

  • منتوجات جديدة
S/TEM Sample Preparation | Thermo Fisher Scientific

For more than 30 years, Thermo Fisher Scientific has been continuously developing and optimizing sample preparation instruments and introducing software that enable in situ TEM sample preparation that allows researchers to accelerate their research and fast-track innovation. Thermo Fisher Scientific has 30+ years of TEM sample preparation ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Reliable Sample Storage | Thermo Fisher Scientific

The estimated value of the sample ranges from $20.00-$80.00 USD depending on selected item number requested. One free sample type per person. By registering, you warrant that you are not prohibited by employment, contract, law or any applicable professional code of conduct from accepting the sample from Thermo Fisher Scientific.

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Solutions for PFAS Testing | Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Thermo Scientific Dionex AutoTrace 280 can be used for offline automated sample preparation to increase sample throughput and reduce turnaround time when performing analysis following US EPA Method 1633 for PFAS in aqueous, solid, biosolids, and tissue samples or using similar EU methods. Validated method.

  • منتوجات جديدة
Kingfisher Sample Purification Instruments

Automated, high-throughput recovery of nucleic acid from complex samples. Boost your lab's productivity by reducing hands-on sample preparation time, reducing costs, and increasing throughput. Intuitive to operate and pre-loaded with protocols, the KingFisher instruments offers automated magnetic bead-based sample preparation for DNA and RNA.

  • منتوجات جديدة
S/TEM Sample Preparation | Thermo Fisher Scientific

TEM sample preparation is part of a multi-scale, multi-modal workflow that includes microCT, (P)FIB-SEM, and (S)TEM. First, data is acquired using the microCT, followed by data reconstruction and analysis using Thermo Scientific Avizo Software. Avizo Software visualizes the data and enables you to precisely locate the suitable regions of ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Semiconductor Sample Preparation

Thermo Fisher Scientific offers rapid, accurate, and robust sample preparation tools for (S)TEM imaging on advanced semiconductor designs. Our entire suite of sample preparation instruments allows you to reach atomic scale data faster, easier, and with minimal cost-per-sample. Additionally, Thermo Scientific AutoTEM 5 Software supports …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Western Blot Sample Preparation Protocol

9. Pipette 25 µL of each standard or unknown sample replicate into a microplate well (working range = 20–2000 µg/mL). 10. Add 200 µL of the Working Reagent to each well and mix plate thoroughly on a plate shaker for 30 seconds. 11. Cover plate and incubate at …

  • منتوجات جديدة
AerosolSense™ Sampler

The Thermo Scientific™ AerosolSense™ Sampler paired with PCR testing, is a new pathogen surveillance solution designed to deliver timely and highly reliable insight into in-air pathogen presence for monitoring and improving facility safety protocols. The sampler acts right where needed - in the air - sampling indoor air in classrooms ...

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Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE)

Accelerated solvent extraction, or ASE, is a sample preparation technique that helps generate high quality chromatographic results by using organic solvents at high temperatures and pressures to quickly and efficiently remove unwanted matrix components from your sample. The elevated temperature increases the efficiency of extracting …

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Waring Products

Conair™ Waring™ Laboratory Blenders: Variable Speed. Variable speed control for the most demanding mixing and blending applications. Speed. 1000 to 22,000 rpm. Sample Volume (English) 34 oz. Electrical Requirements. 115/120 V, 50/60 Hz.

  • منتوجات جديدة
IC Sample Preparation | Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Scientific Dionex Guardcap Vial Caps work with 5mL Dionex PolyVials in the Dionex AS-DV autosampler to provide an automated inline sample preparation and filtration solution. The Dionex AS-DV holds 50 vials that can be sampled in any order, and programmed to take multiple samples from each vial. The vial design eliminates the …

  • منتوجات جديدة
LC-MS Protein Sample Preparation Kits

Automated sample preparation solution for mass spectrometry analysis. Break free from the long reaction times, high costs, and method complexity of manual proteomic sample preparation with the Thermo Scientific AccelerOme automated sample preparation platform. With factory-supplied reagents and kits and step-by-step onscreen instructions, …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Electron Microscope Specimen Mounts and Holders | Thermo Fisher Scientific

Electrical Feed-through Sample Holder Thermo Scientific™. The Thermo Scientific™ Electrical Feed-through Sample Holder allows users to connect electrical probes to the sample for in-situ measurements. Six quick release pin connections can be used for various signals to be read and voltages or currents to be applied to the sample ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Cryo-EM University | Sample Preparation

Cryo-EM University: Sample Preparation. Cryo-EM Course. Sample Preparation. Preparing Hydrophilic Grids. Plunge-freezing with a Vitrobot Mark IV System. Assembling Autogrids. Loading Autogrids into Cassettes. Docking and Undocking Capsules. Safety.

  • منتوجات جديدة
GC-MS Sample Preparation | Thermo Fisher Scientific

Sample preparation methods for GC-MS. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) sample preparation is performed on smaller and more volatile samples including environmental pollutants, industrial byproducts, food contaminants, pesticides, and metabolites of illicit and designer drugs. These molecules are more challenging to ionize …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Blender Accessories | Thermo Fisher Scientific

An array of blender accessories and replacement parts to aid in sample homogenization and lysis. Products include container vessels of metal or glass, pulverizers, speed …

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