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copper slag as cement additive

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Potentials of copper slag utilisation in the manufacture of …

Copper slag, a by-product of the metallurgical industry, containing copper oxide can therefore be a useful additive in the manufacture of cement, particularly for …

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Effect of nano-silica in concrete; a review

The nS content in the HPC with copper slag fine aggregate is varied from 0.5 to 3%. The compressive strength increased with nS replacement up to 2% and then decreased slightly for higher nS content. ... an optimum dose for pure cement, as additive. However, the initial and final sorptivity again reduced to 73 and 83% respectively in slag …

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Partial replacement of cement with marble dust powder, fine …

A constant percentage of marble dust powder was added to replace the binder material (cement). Additionally, copper slag replaced 10%, 20%, and 30% of the fine aggregate, and recycled aggregate replaced 10%, 20%, and 30% of the coarse aggregate. According to the M-30 standard, water/cement ratios in concrete mixtures …

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(PDF) Cement mixtures containing copper tailings as an additive …

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3. MSWI Slag as A Potential Component of Cement for Mortar and Concrete

The use of mineral additives in the cement is related to the fact that the use of the most expensive component of cement—Portland cement clinker—is limited. The purpose of the article is a preliminary evaluation of the suitability of slag from the municipal solid waste incineration plant for its use as a replacement of cement.

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Copper slag waste as a supplementary cementing material to concrete

Copper slag. Copper slag grains have a fineness modulus of 3.4. In order to use copper slag as a mineral admixture it was necessary to carry out an experimental study associating grinding time, average diameter and pozzolanic activity assessed in mortars [].Based on this study, it was verified that 60 min was the optimal grinding time in …

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Recent Trends in Advanced Radiation Shielding Concrete for …

Copper slag is another type of slag and is a by-product of copper extraction, with Al 2 O 3 and Fe 2 O 3 percentages at 2.87% and 38.37%, respectively . ... In the utilization of HDPE as a concrete additive, a concrete sample containing HDPE and a natural aggregate had a ...

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Replacing cement with slag in concrete manufacture to …

The addition of slag has been shown to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from concrete manufacture by more than 95%. Researchers have now discovered that the concrete delivers. "In our tests, we've replaced up to 40% of the cement normally used in concrete," says Senior Researcher Per Anders Eidem at SINTEF Helgeland, located …

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Incorporation of copper slag in cement brick production as …

Copper slag was obtained from the LS-Nikko Copper Inc., South Korea. Copper slag and silica sand were used as aggregates. Table 1 shows the results of oxide analyses for Portland cement, copper slag, and silica sand, which were conducted using X-ray. Tests of flowability and strength. Fig. 4 shows the flowability test results of fresh …

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Recovery of valuable metals from copper slag | Mining, …

The copper smelting process produces plenty of copper slag every year, which is a hazardous solid waste, but a secondary resource. In the present study, the extraction of copper, nickel, and cobalt from copper slag was investigated through the process of sulfation roasting–water leaching and the process of sulfation roasting–sulfate …

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Effects of copper slag and recycled concrete aggregate on the

Effects of different additives such as Portland cement, FA, and RHA were studied. • Copper slag and different additives improved the durability and mechanical properties of CIR mixes. • Recycled concrete aggregate was found to be acceptable type of aggregate as a substitute for aggregate in CIR mixtures. •

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Slag Substitution as a Cementing Material in Concrete: …

It has been found that some kinds of slag (blast furnace slag) are very suitable as substitutes for cement, providing properties above those of the reference …

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Copper slag: Optimization of productivity and

Copper slags have been used as abrasives (polishing and cleaning) for metallic structures [30, 31] and mainly in the building industry: concrete manufactured with copper slag [32]; copper slags as ...

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Incorporation of copper slag in cement brick production as …

Table 1 shows the results of oxide analyses for Portland cement, copper slag, and silica sand, which were conducted using X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The specific gravity of Portland cement was measured by following the ASTM C 188 (ASTM, 2009); the specific gravities, water absorptions, and fineness moduli of aggregates were obtained …

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Effect of copper and stainless steel slags on fresh, …

Fresh and hardened properties of alkali-activated slag concrete: The effect of fly ash as a supplementary precursor. Journal of Cleaner Production, 370 (2022) ... Use of ancient copper slags in Portland cement and alkali activated cement matrices. J. Environ. Manag., 167 (2016), pp. 115-123. View PDF View article View in Scopus Google Scholar

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Copper tailings as a potential additive in concrete: Consistency

Pazhani studied the mechanical properties of concrete made of copper slag [9]. Onuaguluchi did experiments on copper tailings as a potential additive in concrete [10]. Wu et al. tested copper slag ...

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Chemical and Mineralogical Analysis of Reformed Slag …

As a results, it was confirmed that reduction smelting by carbon at temperatures above 1400°С is possible to recover pig iron containing copper from copper smelting slag, and CaO additives in ...

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Minerals | Free Full-Text | Recovery of Iron from Copper Slag …

The Fe3O4 and Fe2SiO4 in copper slag were successfully reduced to metallic iron by coal-based direct reduction. Under the best reduction conditions of 1300 °C reduction temperature, 30 min reduction time, 35 wt.% coal dosage, and 20 wt.% CaO dosage (0.75 binary basicity), the Fe grade of obtained iron concentration achieved …

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The mixes containing steel and Fig. 10 System boundary description for cement, fine aggregate, copper slag and steel slag for the present study [46,[64][65][66] [67] 69] copper slag are economical ...

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Effects of copper slag and recycled concrete aggregate on …

Copper slag (CS) Copper slag (CS) is a by-product from matte smelting and refining of copper [14]. Production of one ton of copper approximately generates 2.2–3 tons of CS. Consequently, annually about 24.6 million tons of CS is produced worldwide. CS has been widely used as railroad ballast abrasive tools, roofing granules, cement and ...

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Characterization of copper slag for beneficiation of iron and copper …

Globally a large volume of copper slag (Table 1) is produced which can be approximated to 2.2 tons of slag generated for every ton of copper produced [9].The annual worldwide production of slag is approximately 24.6 million tons in the early century [6, 7] and increasing at a rate of 11% per year [6].Table 1 illustrates the magnitude of …

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Life-Cycle Assessment of High-Strength Concrete Mixtures …

Copper slag, a readily available waste material from shipyards in Singapore, is a possible replacement material for a portion of the natural sand in concrete mixtures, …

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Steel slag and its applications in cement and concrete …

Furthermore, basic oxygen furnace or electric arc furnace steel slags, copper slag, lead–zinc slag, and the use of ... 0–30% Cement Replacement: With the use of additives at a certain level, the early age strength of concretes with steel slag cement was sufficient, while samples of 28 days and above cured samples performed better ...

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Concrete Made with Partially Substitutions of Copper Slag …

Similar copper slags are also valuable options to be used as concrete ingredients. Copper slag (CPS) is a metallurgical waste product that is created …

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Copper slag in cementitious composites: A systematic review

Abstract. Copper slag (CS) is a by-product from the redox of the metallurgical industry. Copper slag has heterogeneity of metals in its composition, but in general, it …

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Innovative use of copper mine tailing as an additive in cement …

The study evaluates the feasibility of using CMT as filler additives in cement mortar, which is a waste product generated during copper mining and typically disposed off landfills or tailings dams. ... Cyclically loaded copper slag admixed reinforced concrete beams with cement partially replaced with fly ash. Materials, 15 (2022), 10.3390 ...

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Copper Slag

The chemical composition of copper slag varies with the type of furnace. The typical composition of smelting slags is Fe (as FeO, Fe 3 O 4) 30–40%; SiO 2 35–40%; Al 2 O 3 up to 10%; and CaO up to 10%. The density of copper slag varies between 3.16 and 3.87 g/cm 3 based on the amount of iron content. The average specific gravity of copper ...

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Strength and durability characteristics of copper tailing concrete

Onuaguluchi and Eren (2012) studied on the properties of copper tailing when used as a potential additive in cement mortar and concrete. In the case of copper tailing mortars, pre wetted tailings at 5% addition level reduced the negative effects of dry copper and proved to be the best reuse approach. ... Application of copper slag and discarded ...

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Microstructural and other properties of copper slag–coal

The use of additives like fly ash gradually improves the workability of the concrete mix up to 25% on mixing it 0–30% with 5% intervals and changes in microstructural characteristics resulting in higher strength. ... Supekar N (2007) Utilisation of copper slag for cement manufacture construction management and review. Sterlite …

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Effects of copper slag and recycled concrete aggregate on …

Behnood et al (2015) suggested that most effective additive was Portland cement as compared to copper slag and recycled concrete aggregate. Cardoso (2015) present a comparison between natural ...

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Recovery of Copper from Reverberatory Copper Slag …

contain a higher content of amorphous silica which is a valuable additive in Portland cement manufacturing. Copper slag is +2a form of olivine, a magnesium, iron and silicate mineral with the formula (Mg, Fe+2) 2 SiO 4. The production of nano silica from the dissolution of olivine is an economic option when

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2. Slump cone value for the copper slag concrete increases with increasing in the percentage of copper slag so the concrete was not workable. 3. Compaction factor value of copper slag concrete decreases with increase in the percentage of copper slag. 4. The compressive strength of concrete is maximum at 20% replacement of copper slag

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Research articleBlasted copper slag as fine aggregate in …

Blasted copper slag, as aggregate for concrete, provides safe disposal. • Blasted copper slag improved workability and reduced water absorption of concrete. • The mechanical behavior of concrete decreased as residue content increased.

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Use of waste copper slag, a sustainable material

Physical properties. Copper slag grains have a color of black glassy type and a fineness modulus of 3.5. The hardness is about 7 Moh's scale. Other typical physical properties are given in Table 2.In order to use copper slag as a mineral admixture, it was necessary to carry out an experimental study associating grinding time, average …

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(PDF) Cement Mixtures Containing Copper Tailings as an Additive …

The effects of copper tailings as an additive, on some durability properties of cement mixtures were investigated. In each mixture, copper tailings addition levels by mass were 0%, 5% and 10% ...

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