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sika concrete additive

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Dry Shake Hardeners for Concrete Floors

Dry shakes are factory blended materials containing a cementitious binder, aggregates, admixtures and other additives. They may incorporate inorganic pigments or be naturally colored. The ability of a dry shake material to provide a hard, abrasion-resistant wearing surface depends on the presence of enough free water at the fresh concrete ...

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Sika®-1 WT | Concrete Admixture

Sika®-1 WT is a normal setting waterproofing admixture whose action is to block the capillaries and pores in concrete and mortar. Although blocking the passage of water it allows breathing to take place so considerably reducing the possibility of condensation. Suitable for use in hot and tropical climatic conditions.

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SikaCim® Concrete Additive

SikaCim® Concrete Additive is a high range water re-ducing concrete admixture specially formulated for the precast concrete element industry; to meet the demand of early …

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Cement Additives

Cement Additives are a Popular Choice Because They. Positively affect the production process and the quality of cement. Improve defined cement properties, e.g. powder flowability, strength development, mortar …

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Integral Colors

SikaColor®-140 SG Granular Integral Color is a cost-effective means to permanently color concrete and other cementitious materials. It is packaged in easy to use disintegrating bags that can be used to make standard colors, or mixed to develop hundreds of permanent color variations. Color Chart. PRODUCT DATA. Specifications.

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Cement Additives | Concrete Solutions | Sika South Africa

Concrete Admixtures. Cement Additives. Cement additives are materials added to cement for the optimization of the cement properties and the cement grinding process. Cement additives are classified into different product groups such as grinding aids, strength enhancers and performance enhancers.

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Concrete Technology Products

Cement and concrete are core competencies of Sika. From the production of cement to extensive ready-mixed concrete operations; from site-batched concrete on large projects to precast concrete in factory …

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SikaColor®-120 G Granular Integral Concrete Colorant will not migrate from standing water, and can safely color concrete fountains, pools, water features, or concrete that will be polished and encounter damp or wet environments. All pigments used conform to ASTM Standard C979 (Standard Specification for Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete).

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Concrete Admixture Product Guide

Sika's first product, appropriately named Sika® 1, was a concrete admixture that allowed for the electrification of tunnels in Europe by waterproofing the concrete that lined the interior. Now recognized as a world leader in specialty chemicals and other products specifically engineered for concrete, we continue to bring technologies to the ...

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Takaran sekitar 300ml Sika Cim Concrete additive untuk 1 zak semen dengan syarat harus mengurangi pemakaian air sampai 15% dari penggunaan air pada beton normal. campurkan semen, Sika Cim dan …

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Watertight Concrete System

Watertight Concrete System. Waterproof concrete is an impermeable concrete used for long-lasting, durable watertight construction. To improve the impermeability of the concrete, water-resisting admixtures can be …

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SikaCim® Concrete Additive | Plasticizer

A highly effective water reducing agent and superplasticizer for promoting accelerated hardening with high workability. SikaCim® Concrete Additive provides the following …

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Sika® AIR | Air Entrainers

AIR ENTRAINING ADMIXTURE. Sika® AIR is an organic aqueous solution for the air entrainment of concrete. Sika® AIR meets the requirements of ASTM C260/AASHTO M 154. Sika® AIR provides an enhanced concrete durability with a greater resistance to freeze-thaw cycles. Sika® AIR also provides: Reduced bleeding.

  • منتوجات جديدة
SikaCim® Concrete Additive – PT. Wibawa Putra …

SikaCim® Concrete Additive. Bahan Untuk Mempercepat Pengerasan Beton. Fungsi : sebagai campuran adukan beton untuk mempercepat pengerasan beton. Keunggulan : Mempercepat pengerasan beton …

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Concrete Technology Products

Sika offers a range of products and solutions from Sika Concrete such as admixtures and additives to be used as part of a concrete system. Find out more here.

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Sika® Watertight Concrete Powder | Watertight Concrete

Sika® Watertight Concrete Powder. Permeability Reducing Admixture. Sika® Watertight Concrete Powder is a combined water resisting and HRWR/Superplasticizing admixture …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Sika® Retarder-22 | Concrete Admixture

Set Retarding Concrete Admixture. Sika® Retarder-22 is a phosphate based liquid admixture that slows the cement hydration; delaying the initial set in direct proportion to the dosage used. After the planned delay in initial set, hardening develops at an accelerated rate. Suitable for use in tropical and hot climatic conditions.

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Waterproofing Concrete

Since 1910 we have been waterproofing structures keeping water either in or out. With a rich history of success our product line was built to provide a variety of products and a full system approach. Owners and designers can rest easy knowing that one company, Sika, can provide all the products necessary to waterproof their structure.

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Sika SikaLatex 1 Gal. Concrete Bonding Adhesive and Acrylic …

Hover Image to Zoom. $ 18 87. Increases adhesion strength of your concrete or mortar. Can be used as concrete bonding adhesive or bonding grout. Increased resistant to freeze/thaw durability. View More Details. South Loop Store. 13 in stock Aisle 18, Bay 007. Container Size: 1 Gal.

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Shrinkage Reducing and Compensating Admixture

SikaControl® NS is a shrinkage reducing/compensating admixture used to produce high performance concrete with reduced potential for drying shrinkage, cracking and curling. ... please contact your local regional Sika office or Sika technical service department at 1-800-933-7452 prior to using the Sika admixture. ...

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SikaRapid®-1 | Concrete Admixture

SikaRapid®-1 is a liquid hardening accelerator for concrete and mortar. It meets the requirements for hardening accelerators according to EN 934-2. SikaRapid®-1 promotes early strength development without negatively influencing final strengths. Suitable for use in tropical and hot climatic conditions. SikaRapid®-1 provides the following ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Cement Additives

Sika offers many types of cement additives known to improve cement quality, increase production efficiency and meet your local demands: Grinding Aids. Grinding Aids are used in the cement mill (Ball Mill, Vertical Roller Mill, HoroMill) to increase the productivity, save electrical energy and/or to increase the fineness and improve defined ...

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Sika® FerroGard®-901 | Admixtures and Additives | Sika …

Usage. Sika FerroGard 901 is recommended for all steel reinforced concrete or repair mortars and grouts exposed to corrosive environments. Typical uses are: Concrete bridges, highways and pavements exposed to de-icing salts. Concrete marine structures operating in chloride environments. Concrete tunnels, infrastructure or retaining walls.

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SikaCim® Concrete Additive

SikaCim® Concrete Additive dapat ditambahkan ke air yang telah diukur sebelum ditambahkan ke agregat kering atau secara terpisah ditambahkan ke beton yang baru diaduk (baik di batching plant atau di lokasi proyek ke dalam truk mixer). Jika ditambahkan ke truk mixer di lokasi proyek, pengadukan lagi selama 3 – 5 menit harus dilakukan.

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Cement Industry

Cement Industry. Cement production has increased more than thirty-fold since 1950 and almost four-fold since 1990.¹ Cement plants are expanding and in need of highly efficient processes more than ever. Sika is a well-known worldwide company supplying quality cement additives to the cement industry. However, our capabilities go far beyond just ...

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Water Reducing Admixtures

Sika's unique ViscoCrete Technology is a clear example of this. Our ViscoCrete line of products encompasses a group of polycarboxylate based, high performing, water-reducing concrete admixtures. From conventional to high-strength, self-consolidating concrete our ViscoCrete products are specially formulated to provide full range water ...

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Concrete Admixtures

Sika provides a wide range of concrete admixtures with innovative options for concrete mix design, whether it's for substantially reducing the water content of a mix (e.g. with …

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Concrete Admixtures | Sika Canada

Benefitting from the expertise of the Sika Group - the second largest producer of concrete admixtures in the world, Sika Canada offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of admixtures and additives available on the market. We can serve clients across Canada in the production of concrete for virtually all residential, commercial, industrial ...

  • منتوجات جديدة

Sika's first product, appropriately named Sika 1, was a concrete admixture that allowed for the electrification of tunnels in Europe by waterproofing the concrete that lined the interior. Now recognized as a world leader in …

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SikaCim Concrete Additive 900 ml

SikaCim® Concrete Additive is a high range water reducing concrete admixture specially formulated for the precast concrete element industry; to meet the demand of early removal of formwork due to the early strength gain. Enables concrete placing equipment to be used to its full capacity. Effective throughout dosage range.

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Sika®-1 | Mortar Waterproofing Admixture

waterproofing admixture. Sika®-1 is a normal setting liquid waterproofing admixture for mortar and concrete. Sika®-1 blocks the capillaries and pores in the applied cementitious system to provide an effective water barrier against the transmission of liquid water. The benefits of Sika®-1 include, but are not limited to the following:

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