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sodium silicate mining iron

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Keywords: heavy metals, iron mine tailing, removal, sodium silicate, sorption. 1. INTRODUTION Heavy metals are elements with atomic weight in the range from 63.5 to 200.6 and density greater than 5.0

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Use of Iron Ore Tailing as Raw Material for Two …

produced powdered sodium silicate by heating a mixture of iron mining waste, sodium hydroxide and water at 350 °C. In this work, an iron ore tailing (IOT) was used to produce sodium silicate …

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Structure and glass transition temperature of sodium-silicate …

Glass transition temperature (T g) of iron-doped sodium silicate glasses (100 − x)Na 2 O ⋅ xSiO 2 ⋅ yFe 2 O 3 (x = 75, 78, 81 mol%, y = 0.1–17 wt.%) were determined by DSC method under different pressure (101.325, 5000, 10,000 kPa).DSC experiment showed nonmonotonic behavior (with dominating growth) of T g and its …

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The influence of sodium and sulfate ions on total …

The aim of the present study was to encapsulate and immobilize the metal ions (specifically iron) in AMD rich in iron by sodium silicate via solidification at different acidic-alkaline conditions. Most of the studies in this respect remove some interfering ions (e.g., sodium from sodium silicate and sulfates from AMD) to highlight the ...

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Sodium Silicate

Sodium silicate is used directly in water treatment as a component of activated silica coagulant aids, for corrosion control, and for iron and manganese stabilization (AWWA, 20 08 ). Use as a Precursor to Other Water Treatment Chemicals . Sodium silicate is not used as a precursor in the commercial manufacture of other water treatment chemicals.

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Effect of Sodium Silicate on the Properties of Iron Particles …

The results presented in the poster are: • When sodium silicate was added after iron was oxidized, there was no apparent impact on iron suspension turbidity (Figure 1) and color, and particle size even though zeta potential decreased. Silicate added before iron was oxide had a very large impact on reducing iron suspension turbidity (Figure 1 ...

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Geopolymerization mechanism of binder-free mine tailings by sodium silicate

Abstract. The geopolymerization of solid substances rich in calcium and aluminum including mine tailings by sodium silicate is mainly believed to be under the influence of alkali activation. However, mine tailings' relative neutral condition can decrease sodium silicate's overall alkalinity to an unfavorable condition for alkaline reactivity.

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Effect of iron content on the structure and disorder of iron …

1. Introduction. Iron is one of the essential components of silicate melts in the Earth and other terrestrial planets. The overall concentration of iron oxide in natural magmatic melts ranges from ∼0.5 wt% (in rhyolitic melts) to ∼20 wt% (in basalts) (e.g., Wright and Fiske, 1971, Philpotts, 1982, Mysen and Richet, 2005).The two oxidation …

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Effectiveness of sodium silicate as gangue depressants in iron …

The recovery of iron from the screw classifier overflow slimes by direct flotation was studied. The relative effectiveness of sodium silicates with different silica-to-soda mole ratios as depressants for silica and silicate bearing minerals was investigated. Silica-to-soda mole ratio and silicate dosage were found to have significant effect on the …

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Immobilization of sulfates and heavy metals in gold mine …

Keywords: Acid mine drainage Silica gel Sodium silicate Encapsulant Iron ion A B S T R A C T Upon neutralization by acid mine drainage (AMD) a semi-solid silica gel forms from sodium silicate. During the solidification of silica gel, the surrounding positively charged toxic heavy metals can also be adjoined to the negatively charged silica ...

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Recovery of rare earth elements minerals from iron oxide–silicate rich

Sodium oleate and hydroxamic acid collectors were used to recover REE minerals. • Sodium silicate and starch were employed as depressants for iron oxides and silicates. • Flotation response of magnetic preconcentrates were different. • Flotation can be used to complement REE minerals recovery by magnetic separation.

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Utilisation of iron ore mine tailings for the production of geopolymer

Iron ore mining is one of the most significant players in the resource sector in Western Australia (WA), and it accounts for about 47% of the total value of all resources in the state [1]. ... In this study, the sodium silicate was added to the mine tailings in powder form, as an activator for the formulation of the geopolymer bricks. The ...

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Agronomy | Free Full-Text | Soil Nutrient …

In the tropics, warm temperatures and high rainfall contribute to acidic soil formation because of the significant leaching of base cations (K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+), followed by the replacement of the base …

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Recovery of Rare Earth Elements Minerals from Iron-Oxide-Silicate …

To mimic a typical complex, low-grade REE-bearing iron-oxide-silicate-rich tailings, low-grade mixtures (0.83% TREO grade) were tested with the fatty acids (oleic acid and sodium oleate) and hydroxamic acid in the absence and presence of sodium silicate and starch as depressants . Both depressants were effective in selectively decreasing …

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(PDF) Effectiveness of sodium silicate as gangue depressants in iron

Keywords: iron ores; sodium silicate; depressants; flotation Orissa. Joda East Iron ore Mine (JEIM) is part of the vol- 1. Introduction cano-sedimentary basins with iron ore deposits belonging to High-grade iron ore reserves are diminishing all over the the Iron Ore Group (IOG) of Archaean Singhbhum Craton. world at an alarming rate.

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Facile solid-state synthesis of eco-friendly sodium iron silicate …

The XPS spectrum in Fig. 2 a discloses the presence of C 1s, Na 1s, Fe 2p, Si 2s, Si 2p, and O 1s in NFSO-C. The high-resolution XPS of Fe 2p is presented in Fig. 2 b, which contains two parts (Fe 2p 3/3 and Fe 2p 1/2) due to spin-orbit coupling [32].The binding energy at 710. 1 and 725.5 eV can be attributed to Fe 2p 3/2 and Fe 2p 1/2, …

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Silica polymerization and other factors in iron control by …

Silica polymerization and other factors in iron control by sodium silicate and sodium hypochlorite additions. Michael G. Browman., R. Bruce Robinson., and. Gregory D. …

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An XPS study of iron sodium silicate glass surfaces

5. Conclusion XPS has been used to investigate the effect of substituting various amounts of Fe203 for SiO2 in a (Na20)0.30 (SiO2)0.70 base glass. We have found that iron exists in both ferrous and ferric states in the sodium silicate glasses. The proportions of Fe (II) and Fe (III), in each glass sample, have been obtained by resolving …

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Sodium silicate | Na2SiO3 | CID 23266

Sodium silicate appears as a powdered or flaked solid substance. Strong irritant to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes. May be toxic by ingestion. Concentrated aqueous solutions used as a glue. CAMEO Chemicals. Sodium silicate is an inorganic sodium salt having silicate as the counterion. It contains a silicate ion.

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Effect of Sodium Silicates on the Properties of Iron Particles …

Research is needed to better understand the relationship between silicate dose (mg SiO2/L), and properties of iron particles and suspensions as a function of water chemistry. In addition to iron in source water, the corrosion of iron-based pipes and plumbing materials in drinking water distribution systems can produce iron precipitates. …

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Producing sodium silicate powder from iron ore tailings for …

In this study an alternative sodium silicate powder was produced from iron ore tailings for use as an activator in one-part metakaolin-based geopolymers. The study analysed the mineral phases, chemical groups, morphology and mechanical properties …

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Use of Iron Ore Tailing as Raw Material for Two Products: Sodium …

Abstract and Figures. In this work, iron ore tailing (IOT) was used for the production of two different materials: sodium silicate and geopolymers. Initially, reactions of IOT with NaOH were ...

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The influence of sodium silicate on removal of heavy metals by iron

Approximately 1400 g of sorbent that was modified from Ban Cuon iron mine drainage sludge by adding 10% sodium silicate solution and heating at 400 °C was put in a column of 1.8l. ...

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A review of sodium silicate solutions: Structure, gelation, …

Introduction. Knowledge of sodium silicate solution, also known as waterglass, dates back to at least the period of the early Roman Empire. Pliny the Elder (Gaius Plinius Secundus, 23/24-79 CE) [1] told the story of Phoenician mariners who accidentally melted sand and soda preparing a meal, resulting in a substance described …

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Producing sodium silicate powder from iron ore tailings for …

This study has demonstrated that it is possible to use iron ore tailings as a SiO 2 source in the production of an alternative sodium silicate powder to be employed …

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Producing sodium silicate powder from iron ore tailings for …

This study evaluated the use of iron ore tailings (IOT) as a source of silica (SiO2) to produce an alternative form of sodium silicate (SS) for use as an activator in one-part …

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Understanding the impacts of sodium silicate on water …

Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. Silicates represent an alternative drinking water treatment for colour and turbidity due to iron. They may avoid the …

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Sodium Silicate as a Dispersant in the Selective Flocculation of Iron

In the upgrading of finely disseminated iron ores, selective desliming is the critical step that must be controlled to achieve efficient flotation. A prerequisite for selective desliming is a properly-dispersed pulp; sodium silicate is commonly used as a dispersant. The mechanism by which sodium silicate acts as a dispersant in the presence of calcium …

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Understanding the impacts of sodium silicate on …

Sodium silicate reduced the size of iron particles, as determined by dynamic light scattering and laser diffraction, and increased the apparent density, as assessed by electron microscopy. XRD and XPS data were …

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Grinding effect of sodium silicate on muscovite and its …

Sodium silicate has been used as a grinding aid in the grinding process of quartz, iron ore, bauxite and other minerals, which proves that sodium silicate can significantly accelerate particle refinement (Prziwara et al., 2019, Mao et al., 2022, Qin et al., 2022, Toprak et al., 2020, Bao et al., 2023, Ren et al., 2023, Cheng et al., 2019, Xie ...

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Iron and Manganese Sequestration Facilities Using Sodium Silicate

Higher iron concentrations required less than proportionately higher dosages of silicate, and when water was stored in reservoirs for long periods of time, customer complaints seemed to rise. Total yearly chemical costs for silicate and chlorine were $1.25–$1.75 per person in 1985 at the two Canadian systems.

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Immobilization of sulfates and heavy metals in gold mine …

The solubility of Si and Al in alkaline conditions was analyzed to show the increase in the reactivity of the materials during thermal treatment. Both untreated and thermally treated mine tailings were activated using sodium hydroxide/sodium silicate solutions and Ca(OH) 2 solution and the mechanical properties were measured. Ground …

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Geopolymerization mechanism of binder-free mine tailings by sodium silicate

Koohestani et al. [19] investigated mine tailings (Cu/Zn) geopolymerization by sodium silicate at different pH values and compared it with cementation by Portland cement. The authors found that ...

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The Influence of Sodium Silicate on Removal of Heavy Metals by Iron

Water pollution has been a major considering issue in recent years. Many technologies have been studied for the treatment of wastewater contaminated with heavy metals. The sorption of heavy metals has been emerged as a costeffective and environment

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Role of sodium silicate in phosphate flotation | Mining, …

The role of sodium silicate in the anionic flotation of a Floridaphosphate ore was investigated using laboratory continuous flotation tests, frothability tests and SEM observations.In the absence of sodium silicate, Ca++ promoted the unwanted activation of quartz by forming calcium bearing precipitates.The addition of sodium silicate enhanced …

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Producing sodium silicate powder from iron ore tailings …

Mine tailings disposal is an increasingly important issue for mining companies. Two recent tailing dam failures in Brazil have caused unmeasurable environmental, social and economic damages. ... In this study an alternative sodium silicate powder was produced from iron ore tailings for use as an activator in one-part …

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Utilization of Citric Acid to Improve the Depressive Efficiency …

As a common depressant of calcite and fluorite, sodium silicate presents the disadvantages of large dosage and incomplete depression effect. Improving the depression effect of sodium silicate on calcite and fluorite, reducing the amount of sodium silicate in mineral processing is of great industrial and economic importance. In this …

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