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Specification Of Flat And Elongated Particles

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Coarse Aggregate Angularity – Pavement …

Specifications typically contain requirements for percentage of fractured aggregate particles in order to maximize shear strength in either bound (e.g., HMA) or unbound aggregate mixtures. This method can be used to …

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Flat Particles, Elongated Particles, or Flat and Elongated Particles …

3.1.2 flat and elongated particles of aggregate—those particles having a ratio of length to thickness greater than a. specified value. 3.1.3 length—maximum dimension of the particle. 3.1.4 width—maximum dimension in the plane perpendicular to the length. 3.1.5 thickness—maximum dimension perpendicular to the.

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ASTM D4791-10

astmd479110-Standard Test Method for Flat Particles, Elongated Particles, or Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate-1.1 This test method covers the de. Customer Service: 212 642 4980. Mon - Fri: 8:30 am - 6 pm EST ... 1.2.1 Exception — (Regarding sieves, per Specification E11) The values stated in SI units shall be considered ...

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Evaluation of the Effect of Flat and Elongated Particles on …

Flat and elongated particles have long been considered undesirable in hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixes due to their tendency to break down during construction and traffic. Currently, the Superpave mix design system currently specifies a maximum limit of 10 percent of flat and elongated particles at the 5:1 ratio for the design aggregate blend.

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The State of Flat and Elongated Aggregate Requirements for SMA

European specifications require SMA aggregates to have no more than 30 percent Los Angeles (L.A.) abrasion loss (AASHTO T96) and no more than 20 percent flat and elongated (F&E) particles when measured at a 3:1 ratio of length to maximum thickness (ASTM D 4791). However, these strict aggregate requirements were developed for use in …

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Flat and Elongated Particles – Pavement Interactive

The flat and elongated particle test is used to determine the dimensional ratios for aggregate particles of specific sieve sizes. This characterization is used in the Superpave … See more

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Flat and Elongated: Advances Using Digital Image Analysis

Figure 1: Proportional Caliper for measuring flat and elongated particles Taking for example the current methodology for measuring flat and elongated particles, as per ASTM specification D 4791-95 (ASTM, 1995). This involves first obtaining a sample and screening it into the various size fractions. Each piece then needs

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Highway Test 2 Flashcards | Quizlet

2.Aggregate and asphalt proportioning. 3.Mixture discharge and storage. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What are the two types of asphalt plant?, Measuring the loose uncompacted void content of sand is to determine..., What is the maximum flat and elongated for an interstate highway which has > ESALs 32 million ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Evaluation of the Specification for Flat and Elongated …

a maximum acceptable percentage of flat and elongated particles that a coarse aggregate blend may have before being ruled out as an acceptable source. Regional state requirements for flat and elongated particles are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Regional States Flat and Elongated Specifications State Specification ASTM D4791, Method B

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Standard Test Method for Flat Particles, Elongated Particles, …

Scope. 1.1 This test method covers the determination of the percentages of flat particles, elongated particles, or flat and elongated particles in coarse …

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Flat & Elongated Particles

3.7 Weigh the Flat and Elongated particles for each sieve sample to the nearest 0.1 gram and record in column (C) "Weight of Flat/Elongated Particles". ... average) to the nearest 0.1 percent or whole number as required by the specification. 5. References SD 202 DOT-3 Coarse DOT-68 DOT-69 . SD 212 Page 4 mso.mat 9-19 19 . SD 212 Page 5 mso ...

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Before the specification is changed to a 3:1 ratio the effect of the particle shape on performance should be evaluated. Two aggregates (limestone and granite) were evaluated in their "as-received" state and in two other particle shapes (more cubical, less flat and elongated) obtained from Vertical Shaft Impact (VSI) crushing.

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Flat and Elongated Particles

Standard Test. Method for Determining Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate. SC‐T‐77. Reference ASTM D4791. Definitions. Elongated = Length 5+ times larger than …

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Flat and Elongated: Advances Using Digital Image Analysis

This system designed for continuous automated operation, measures flat and elongated aggregates at ratios of 5:1, 4:1, 3:1, and 2:1. Simultaneously it will produce size …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Standard Test Method for Flat Particles, Elongated Particles, or Flat

This test method provides a means for checking compliance with specifications that limit such particles or to determine the relative shape characteristics of coarse aggregates. Scope 1.1 This test method covers the determination of the percentages of flat particles, elongated particles, or flat and elongated particles in coarse …

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LS-608 Percent Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate . LS-609 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate . LS-610 Organic Impurities in Sands for Concrete . ... specification is found to be unsatisfactory, use of the …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Aggregate Texture and Shape, What You Should Know

ASTM D4791 Flat and Elongated Particles . ASTM D4791 test method compares the dimensions of individual coarse aggregate particles. Specimens of approximately 100 particles from each size fraction are manually measured with a proportional caliper to determine the width, length, and thickness ratios.

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Evaluation of the Specification for Flat and Elongated …

ConnDOT specification allows for no more than 10 percent flat and elongated particles utilizing a 3:1 ratio. It has been speculated that this specification may not be achievable by most HMA producers in Connecticut. The research team evaluated specifications from numerous regional state agencies for comparison with the ConnDOT specification.

  • منتوجات جديدة
Standard Test Method for Flat Particles, Elongated Particles, or Flat

1.1 This test method covers the determination of the percentages of flat particles, elongated particles, or flat and elongated particles in coarse aggregates. Two procedures, Method A and Method B, are presented in this standard. Method A is a reflection of the original procedure as developed prior to Superpave and is intended for …

  • منتوجات جديدة

Flat and Elongated Particles—aggregate particles having a ratio of length to thickness (L/T) greater than a specified value. Length (L)—maximum dimension of the particle. 2.3. …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Category:403 Asphaltic Concrete Pavement

The percentage of flat and elongated particles is determined on the coarse portion of the blended aggregate (retained on the #4 sieve) in accordance with ASTM D4791 (Level 2 Aggregate Training). The maximum allowable percentage of flat and elongated particles for all mixes other than SP125xSM is given in Standard …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Superpave Volumetric Mix Design

D4791, Standard Test Method for Flat Particles, Elongated Particles, or Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate 2.3. Asphalt Institute Publication: MS-2, Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete and Other Hot-Mix Types 2.4. National Asphalt Pavement Association Publication: IS 128, HMA Pavement Mix Type Selection Guide 2.5.

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Flat and Elongated Aggregates in Superpave Regime

Some states have recommended changing the definition of flat and elongated aggregates from 5:1 to 3:1 and an increase in the maximum allowable percentage of flat and elongated (F&E) particles to 20% or higher in the Superpave aggregate specification.

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Flat and elongated particles have long been considered undesirable in hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixes due to their tendency to break down during construction and traffic. Currently, the Superpave mix design system currently specifies a maximum limit of 10 percent of flat and elongated particles at the 5:1 ratio for the design aggregate blend. …

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Currently, the flat and elongated specification used in the Superpave mix design system is provided in AASHTO MP-2: Standard Specification for Superpave Volumetric Mix …

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Evaluation of the Specification for Flat and Elongated …

This research was conducted to determine if the specification for flat and elongated aggregates for use in Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) in Connecticut can be …

  • منتوجات جديدة
ASTM International

1.1 This test method covers the determination of the percentages of flat particles, elongated particles, or flat and elongated particles in coarse aggregates. Two procedures, Method A and Method B, are presented in this standard. Method A is a reflection of the original procedure as developed prior to Superpave and is intended for …

  • منتوجات جديدة

7.3 Calculate the per cent of flat and elongated particles weighted average value for each fraction as follows: Multiply the percentage of each fraction calculated in Section 7.2 and the per cent flat and elongated particles for that fraction. 7.4 Calculate the per cent of flat and elongated particles of the test sample as the sum of the

  • منتوجات جديدة
Image-based methods for automatic identification of elongated and flat

It was found that elongated and flat particles increase the vulnerability of particles to breakage, and flat particles have a more negative influence than elongated particles. Gong et al. analyzed the influences of coarse aggregate shapes on asphalt mixture compaction [16]. The DEM results indicated that with an increase in the …

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Summary | Aggregate Properties and the Performance of …

Specifications in Arkansas, Louisiana, Missis- sippi, and Utah currently support a small tolerance for the percent two fractured faces for high traffic levels. Flat and Elongated Particles While the asphalt industry believes that excessive flat and elongated particles are undesirable, perfectly cubical aggregates may also be undesirable.

  • منتوجات جديدة
Fine Aggregate Angularity – Pavement Interactive

Specifications. A minimum uncompacted void content of 45 percent is generally recommended for the blend of fine aggregate for a high traffic pavement. Many agencies have their own FAA requirements, which can differ from AASHTO M 323 Superpave mix design specifications. Table 1: Superpave Mix Design Flat and Elongated Particle …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Level 2

The percentage of flat and elongated particles is determined on the coarse portion of the blended aggregate (retained on the #4 sieve) in accordance with ASTM D4791 (Level 2 Aggregate Training). The maximum allowable percentage of flat and elongated particles for all mixes other than SP125xSM is given in Standard Specification Section 403.2.4.

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Standard Test Method for Flat Particles, Elongated … Number of particles in each sieve size tested, Percentages, calculated by number or by mass, or both, for each group: (1) flat particles, (2) elongated particles, and (3) particles that meet the criteria of both group (1) and group (2); (4) particles that do not meet the criteria of either group (1) or: D4791 – 10

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Level 2

Thin, Elongated Particles (Sec 403.2.4) This property, also known as flat and elongated, is the percentage of coarse aggregates that have a maximum to minimum dimension …

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Use Proportional Calipers ( at specified ratio) as follows: Flat and Elongated – Set the larger opening equal to the length of the Particle. The particle is flat and elongated if the particles least dimensional requirement (thickness) can pass completely through the smaller opening of.

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5.5 Place the tested particles into one of two groups: flat and elongated or not flat and elongated. 5.6 After classifying the particles into one of the groups described in Section 5.5, count and record the number of particles in each group. 5.6.1 Divide the total number of flat and elongated particles by the total number of particles

  • منتوجات جديدة
Standard Test Method for Flat Particles, Elongated Particles, or Flat

1.1 This test method covers the determination of the percentages of flat particles, elongated particles, or flat and elongated particles in coarse aggregates. 1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard except in regard to sieve size and the size of aggregate which are given in SI units in accordance with ...

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Hot Mix Asphalt with Flat and Elongated Aggregates

Flat and elongated (F&E) aggregate specification for Superpave mixes call for no more than 10% of the aggregate particles retained on the 4.75mm sieve to have a maximum-to-minimum dimension ratio greater than 5:1 for high traffic. This has been believed by asphalt technologists to be a very liberal requirement.

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(PDF) Measurement of Flat and Elongation of …

This system designed for continuous automated operation, measures flat and elongated aggregates at ratios of 5:1, 4:1, 3:1, and 2:1. It also has the potential to report various shape factors ...

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