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surgical crushing of a stone medical term

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What to know about gallstone surgery

After laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a person can often go home the same day or the next day. They can expect to return to normal activities within 1 week. After open cholecystectomy, a person may ...

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Med Term- Chap 9 Urinary System Flashcards | Quizlet

medical term for surgical crushing of a stone. lithotripsy. medical term for X-ray record of kidney. nephrogram. medical term for softening of kidney. nephromalacia. medical term for drooping kidney. nephroptosis. medical term for incision into kidney. nephrotomy. medical term for kidney disease.

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Chapter 6 / misc questions Flashcards | Quizlet

Terms in this set (10) term meaning urea in the blood. azotemia. drooping kidney. nephroptosis. ingesting a toxic substance may have been the cause of this sudden stoppage of urine formation. urinary suppression. which word part completes pyel/o/lith/o/ to mean incision into the renal pelvis to remove stones. tomy.

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Lithotripsy | Johns Hopkins Medicine

A surgical procedure for stones that cannot be treated with lithotripsy or endoscopic procedures. It involves the removal of a stone through a thin tube tunneled through a small incision in the back into the kidney. See more

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What is the surgical crushing of kidney stones?

What is the medical term meaning surgical crushing of gallstones? It depends on how you crush it. If using ultrasound from outside the body, the procedure is called ESWL - extracorporeal sound ...

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BUILDING SURGICAL WORDS 2-2 Flashcards | Quizlet

Chapter 1 and 2 med term. 60 terms. Mariah_Means-Waldorf. Preview. DPT-772: Cardiac Surgeries Lecture . 63 terms. enason484. ... CRUSHING OF A STONE. LITHOTRIPSY. SEPERATION OF THE INTESTINA (ADHESIONS) ENTEROLYSIS. CRUSHING A NERVE. NEUROTRIPSY. SURGICAL REPAIR OF THE NOSE. RHINOPLASTY. …

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Kidney Stone Treatment: Shock Wave Lithotripsy

lithotripsy (the Greek roots of this word are "litho" meaning stone, "tripsy" meaning crushed) So, SWL describes a nonsurgical technique for treating stones in the kidney or ureter (the tube going from the kidney to the …

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surgical terms (built from word parts) Ch 6 Flashcards | Quizlet

meatotomy. incision of the meatus (to enlarge it) nephrectomy. excision of a kidney. nephrolithotomy. incision of the kidney to remove a stone. nephrolithotripsy. surgical crushing of a stone in the kidney. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like cystectomy, cystolithotomy, cystostomy and more.

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'Crushing the stone': a brief history of lithotripsy, the first

Objective: To trace the history of lithotripsy, marking the start of minimally invasive surgery. Methods: Primary and secondary sources describing the development of lithotripsy as a method to treat common bladder stones were reviewed. Results: Lithotripsy emerged in the early 19th century as an alternative to the morbid and frequently fatal perineal lithotomy …

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Medical Terminology Unit 12

The surgical term lithotripsy means: a. Crushing of a stone. The diagnostic term hydro/cele in males literally means: a. Water like fluid build-up in the scrotal sac. The term that means twisted or enlarged and …

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Chapter 6 Flashcards | Quizlet

Learn. Test. Match. Created by. danielle_garcia855. Medical Terminology. Terms in this set (130) lithotripsy. surgical crushing of stone (s) azotemia. urea in the blood. …

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'Crushing the stone': a brief history of lithotripsy, the first

Lithotripsy developed in stages, first by learning how to pass a straight hollow sound, then drilling stones to break them up, later by crushing them, followed by means …

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Med Term ch 2 Flashcards | Quizlet

noun. lith· o· trip· sy ˈli-thə-ˌtrip-sē. plural lithotripsies. : the breaking (as by shock waves or crushing with a surgical instrument) of a calculus in the urinary system into pieces …

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Ch 6 HW 3 Flashcards | Quizlet

The meaning of the medical term extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is: destruction of living tissue with an electric spark. noninvasive treatment for removal of kidney or ureteral stones. surgical transplantation of a donor kidney. separation of the kidney from other structures. noninvasive treatment for removal of kidney or ureteral …

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MT Test 9 Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following abbreviations is a treatment for kidney stones? UTI BUN ARF ESWL, Which of the following abbreviations is a lab test? NS HD I&O UA, Which of the following terms means kidney tumor? nephromegaly nephrosis nephropathy nephroma and more.

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Ch.9 Terms, Tests, and Abbreviations Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet

Which term means surgical crushing of a stone? lithotripsy. Which term means drooping kidney? nephroptosis. The process by which most of the material in the nephron moves back into the blood is called_____ Reabsorption. Which term means to cut into the enlarge the opening of the urethra?

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Chapter 6 Flashcards | Quizlet

blood test that measures the amount of urea in the blood. extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) non-invasive surgical procedure to crush stone (s) in the kidney or ureter by administration of repeated shockwaves. uremia (azotemia) urine in the blood. Medical Terminology Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free.

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Study 134 Terms | Medical Terminology Unit 8 Flashcards

surgical crushing of stones, perhaps during lithiasis. ... the branch of medical science that studies and applies anesthetics. anesthetist. ... 131 terms. arendon3. med terms. 67 terms. mallory_cooper849. NCLEX General Nursing Vocabulary. 92 terms. Courtney_McCausley. Lab Terms #1. 55 terms. gsubia10.

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Chapter 5 medical term Flashcards | Quizlet

Chapter 5 medical term. Flashcards. Learn. Test. Match. Flashcards. Learn. Test. Match. Created by. vjcc25. Terms in this set (88) Cyst/o. ... Surgical crushing. Cutane/o. Skin-al. Pertaining to-ectomy. Surgical removal, excision-ia. Disease state, condition of ... Incision into the renal pelvis to remove stone. Pyuria. Condition of pus in the ...

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Chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

Chapter 10 Med Term. 121 terms. amwoolston0706. Preview. Chapter 12 Medterm. 118 terms. ecboswel. Preview. ... Surgical formation of a new opeining into the renal pelvis is [a]stomy. pyelo. Surgical crushing of a stone is litho[a]. tripsy. About us. About Quizlet; How Quizlet works; Careers; Advertise with us; Get the app; For students ...

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Cystoscopic Laser Lithotripsy and Stone

Stones occur within the urinary bladder due to incomplete bladder emptying, urinary stasis, and/or chronic bladder infections. With time, the urine that is not voided begins to harbor bacteria and contain higher amounts of mucus, sediment and urinary minerals, eventually resulting in a bladder calculus. Surgical options for patients with symptomatic bladder …

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Medical terminology chapter 5 Flashcards | Quizlet

The medical term that means surgical crushing of a stone is. lithotripsy. The medical term that means condition of stone(s) in the kidney is. nephrolithusis. The term that means stones in the kidney is. renal calcu. A malabsorption syndrome caused by an immune reaction to gluten is.

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Part 1 medical term

Medical Terminology build surgical word that means: 11. surgical repair of the nose: rhinoplasty 12. fixation of joint: arthrodesis 13. suture of muscle: ... Medical terminology; Medical term formation and Construction; Medical terminology; Body system skeleton - mrs. wynn class ... crushing stones: lithotripsy. separation of intestinal ...

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Solved QUESTION 96 Which term means "surgical crushing …

Expert Answer. Question 96 The incision into a stone is known as lithotomy The enlargement of a stone is known as lithomegaly The formation of stone is known as lithiasis The answer is Lithotripsy Question 97 Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the non cancerous tumor …. QUESTION 96 Which term means "surgical crushing of a stone"?

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Solved I- Build the medical term to mean the following:

Question: I- Build the medical term to mean the following: 1- _____ excision of the gum. 2- _____ crushing of a stone 3- _____ condition of formation of gall stone.

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Which term means "surgical crushing of a stone"?

The term that means "surgical crushing of a stone" is lithotripsy. During this procedure, high-energy shock waves from an external machine are directed towards where an internal stone would be, thus breaking it into smaller pieces that can be naturally excreted by urination. As such, it provides a minimally invasive way to treat kidney stones.

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Kidney Stone Treatment: Shock Wave Lithotripsy

The medical terms for kidney stone surgery (with an incision) are ureterolithotomy or nephrolithotomy. How successful is shock wave lithotripsy? ln those patients who are thought to be good candidates for this treatment, some 50-75% are found to be free of stones within three months of SWL treatment. The highest success rates seem to be in ...

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Worksheet 9E Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Another term of a stone is, A(n)___ is a physical and chemical analysis of urine, feeling the urge to urinate more often than normal is called and more. ... _____is the surgical crushing of a stone. lithotripsy _____is feeling the need to urinate immediately. urgency. About us ...

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Shuler Medical Terminology 1 Chapter 6-4 Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like hepatorrhaphy, cholecystitis, choledocholithotripsy and more. ... the crushing of a stone in the common bile duct. choledochogastrostomy. surgical connection between the stomach and the common bile duct. hepatorenal. pertaining to the liver and kidney.

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Surgical terms; built from word parts Flashcards | Quizlet

creation of an artificial opening into the bladder. cystotomy, vesicotomy. incision of the bladder. lithotripsy. surgical crushing of stone (s) (using shock waves) meatotomy. incision of the meatus. nephrectomy. excision of a kidney.

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Learning tools, flashcards, and textbook solutions | Quizlet

Learn medical terminology suffixes with flashcards on Quizlet. Test your knowledge of terms like -itis, -ectomy, -osis, and more. Find out the meaning and origin of common suffixes used in medical language.

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9-word building Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like cystalgia, cystectomy, cystogram and more. ... Chapter 10 Medical Terminology worksheet answers. 100 terms. jordan_rawl. Preview. Med Term Ch. 9 Urinary. 45 terms. ... surgical crushing of a stone. lithotomy. incision to remove a stone. nephrectomy. removal of a kidney. nephrogram ...

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The Language of Medical Terminology

The suffix -ectomy is used in medical terms that refer to the removal of an organ, tissue, tumour, or gland.Fig. 2.19 is an image of the different types of hysterectomies that a patient might need to have, depending on their diagnosis. The term hysterectomy includes the combining form hyster/o, meaning "uterus," and the suffix -ectomy, meaning "removal."

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