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ferrochrome smelting process

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Modeling on Reduction Reaction of Metal Oxides for …

The three-dimensional transient multi-physical field model is used to test and describe the ferrochrome pellets smelting process during the quasi-steady smelting state, which the time of calculation results is 1100 seconds. The arc and furnace charge smelting state are investigated, respectively. Furthermore, the effect of electrode …

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In ferrochrome smelting in closed furnaces, the feed material may be preheated before it enters the furnace. Lumpy ore, briquettes, sintered pellets, and prereduced pellets may …

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Technology Innovations in the Smelting of Chromite Ore

Four primary processes are available for smelting chromite ore to produce ferrochrome. They are: Conventional smelting process, Outokumpu process, DC Arc route, and …

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Simulation-based life cycle assessment of ferrochrome …

Smelting is done in the closed SAF to produce ferrochrome alloy, slag and a CO rich off gas. CO rich off gas is cleaned and reused in the plant as a source of …

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Chromium processing | Extraction, Uses & Applications

Because of the greater energy required to reduce silica to silicon, the smelting of ferrochrome silicon consumes 7,600 kilowatt-hours per ton of product. Low-carbon ferrochromium. When chromite and lime are melted in an open electric-arc furnace and then contacted with ferrochrome silicon, a low-carbon (0.05 percent) ferrochromium can be …

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Modeling on Reduction Reaction of Metal Oxides for …

The objective of this paper is to investigate the energy conservation and resource utilization in the smelting process of ferrochrome pellets. Based on the laws of mass and energy conservation ...

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Modeling on Reduction Reaction of Metal Oxides for …

ferrochrome production. The fluid flow, heat transfer, and reduction kinetics were simulated aiming to allocate an optimal operation condition for the smelting process. Scheepers et al.[7,18,19] developed a three-phase sub-merged arc furnace model using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique to simulate the process of phosphorus ...

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Ferrochrome slag: A critical review of its properties, …

1. Introduction. Ferrochrome slag is a by-product of the production of ferro-chrome alloy, an essential component in stainless steel. The conventional process of ferrochrome making involves the carbothermic reduction of chromite ore where around 1.2–1.5 tons of slag containing approximately 8–12% of chromium oxide is generated per …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Evaluation and synergy of material and energy in the smelting process …

High quality researches have been carried out to improve the process of ferrochrome smelting [8]. The process mainly consists of three equipments, steel belt sintering, preheating shaft kiln and submerged arc furnace. It was Outokumpu who firstly proposed this process and has been studying it in many years [9]. The steel belt …

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recovery of Metal from Ferrochrome slag by using Jigging separation process

Ferrochrome slag jigging separation process. Ferrochrome smelting slag recovery solution is mainly to recover the valuable ferrochrome alloys from the slag in a forms that will be as far as possible directly saleable. This solution is now producing saleable ferrochrome containing less than 2% slag at a recovery of over 90% of liberated metal.

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Simulation-based life cycle assessment of ferrochrome smelting

Process simulation with HSC. Two smelting process technologies were compared based on process simulation of each flowsheet and using thermodynamics capabilities of the HSC chemistry software version 10.0 (Roine, 2020). Each process flowsheet has been simulated with the Simulation Module (SIM) and the pyro distribution …

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An Overview of Currently Applied Ferrochrome …

between iron (Fe) and Cr. The production of FeCr is an energy and material-intensive process, and a relatively wide variety of by-products, typically classified as waste materials by the FeCr ... The type and extent of waste generation are dictated by the smelting route used and the management practices thereof employed by a specific …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Modeling on Reduction Reaction of Metal Oxides for …

DOI: 10.1007/s11663-021-02304-5 Corpus ID: 237474745; Modeling on Reduction Reaction of Metal Oxides for Submerged Arc Furnace in Ferrochrome Pellets Smelting Process @article{Yu2021ModelingOR, title={Modeling on Reduction Reaction of Metal Oxides for Submerged Arc Furnace in Ferrochrome Pellets Smelting Process}, author={Yang Yu …

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Chrome ores on ferrochrome smelting

Abstract. Ferrochrome production Ferroalloy process optimization Chrome ores. Chrome ores from six locations across the Bushveld Igneous Complex in South Africa are used to investigate the effects of ore types on the smelting processes, such as the consumption of fluxes, reductant; and most importantly, the consumption of electricity.

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Optimization of Process Parameter for Smelting and Reduction of Ferrochrome

As ferrochrome is the main alloying materials for production of stainless steel, the rapid growth of the world stainless steel industry in last two decades posts a high demand on the production of ferrochrome. ... Smelting process in the submerged arc furnaces is highly energy intensive and hence a large portion of the total production costs is ...

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12.4 Ferroalloy Production

LC ferrochrome Ferrotitanium a Process by which metal is smelted in a refractory-lined cup-shaped steel shell by submerged graphite ... Chemistry adjustments may be necessary after furnace smelting to achieve a specified product. Ladle treatment reactions are batch processes and may include metal and alloy additions.

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Optimization of Process Parameter for Smelting and …

2.6. Calculation of the charge mix for the Cr/Fe ratio 2.6 indicate that for smelting reduction of 40 kg pellets 14.4 kg of the nut coke will required for the complete smelting reduction of the chromite ore pellets. To maintain the 1.0 basicity of the slag, it required approximate 1 kg lime stone and 1.74 kg quartzite.

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Direct Production of Ferrochrome by Segregation …

The SAF process for ferrochrome production is extremely electric energy-intensive [3], with the specific energy consumption (SEC) in the range of 2.4–4.8 MWh per ton of ferrochrome produced [4]. Among the various SAF smelting technologies, pre-reduction of chromite before SAF smelting generally results in a lower SEC, because significant ...

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technology and the process steps [1-8] the following idealised reaction zones have been identified (see Fig. 1). Note however that the exact positions of these zones appear to vary with furnace design and operating practice. The zones do not necessarily follow a simple layered structure as was envisaged in early models of the process. Figure 1.

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Unique challenges of clay binders in a pelletised chromite …

This traps evolving process gas, which can result in so-called bed turnovers or blowing of the furnace that could have disastrous ... H., Oikarinen, P., 2004. Formation, characterization and utilization of CO-gas formed in ferrochrome smelting. In: Proc. of the 12th International Ferroalloys Congress. Cape Town, South, Africa. pp. 68–77. ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Review on Preparation of Medium- and Low-carbon …

temperature, fast" is the basic principle of converter smelting ferrochrome. Hu [19] proposed the process of extending the slag method of the converter age for some problems such as short furnace age and high refractory consumption in the pro-duction of medium- and low-carbon ferrochrome in pure oxygen top-blown con-verter. The theoretical ...

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A Decarbonization Approach for FeCr Production

In this study, the reducing smelting of chromite concentrates by EAF-assisted metallothermic method was investigated. The effect of AlPowder and AlDross addition amount, time, and the ratio of flux addition on the produced metal and slag compositions and metal recovery were investigated. It was seen that ferrochrome can …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Production of Ferro-Chrome – IspatGuru

Fe-Cr smelting (Fig 1) is an energy intensive process. The energy is transferred to the process via self-baking carbon electrodes. The electrodes are laterally covered by the lumpy burden which has a higher electric resistivity than the molten bath below the electrode tips. Hence it is assured that the electric current flows to the hot …

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Balasore Alloys : Production Process

This arc creates temperatures of about 2800°C. In the process of smelting, huge amounts of electricity is consumed. The material is tapped from the furnace intermittently. When enough smelted ferrochrome has accumulated in the hearth of the furnace, the tap hole is drilled open and the molten metal and slag are rushed down to a sand bed or ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Smelting of High-Carbon Ferrochrome from Prereduced …

The power consumptions for smelting of ferrochrome using several process workflows, including charge heating, sintering or prereduction, followed by …

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Metals | Free Full-Text | Direct Production of Ferrochrome …

Ferrochromium, which is a critical alloy in the production of stainless steel and high-alloying ferritic steel [], has been produced worldwide by carbothermic smelting reduction of chromite in submerged electric arc furnaces (SAF) for almost a century [2,3].More than 90% of the high carbon ferrochrome produced, with a typical …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Energy and exergy analyses of pellet smelting systems of …

The final smelting process is completed in a SAF in which the chromite is reduced to ferrochrome alloy. Scheepers et al. (2006) developed a computational fluid dynamic model to investigate the effect of alternating current SAF by changing operating conditions on energy distribution with the burden and reaction characteristics.

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Composition and Cr- and Fe-speciation of dust generated …

There are a number of process options used for the carbothermic reduction of chromite to produce FeCr. The most common are: i) open/semi ... The differences between the composition of dusts generated during ferrochrome smelting and the feed composition reflects the relative proportion of feed-material dust particles, including lime derivative ...

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