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cdc mining proximity warning system

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Ergonomics Considerations for Proximity Warning …

Anthropometric Considerations. Placement of wearable sensor will influence protection. Head-mounted sensor could be 6+ ft away from lower legs. Low seam mines will potentially increase sensitivity since more varied postures are expected. Depending on interaction required, placement will influence visual information transmission.

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Proximity Warning Systems for Mining Equipment. 9/27/2012 - Conferences, workshops, and seminars. NIOSH OMSHR sponsored a free, one-day …

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    WEBA Performance Evaluation of Two Overhead Power Line Proximity Warning Devices; Proximity Detection; Proximity Detection With Selective Machine Shutdown; …

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    The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Publication: Recommendations for Evaluating & Implementing Proximity Warning Systems on Surface Mining Equipment. Keywords: Accident and injury recording Proximity detection Proximity detection systems Surface mining Warning equipment. …

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    The NIOSH Intelligent Proximity Detection System uses multiple generators to determine the position of the worker relative to the equipment, only disabling those functions that would threaten worker safety. NIOSH first developed electromagnetic proximity detection technology over ten years ago as the Hazardous Area Signaling and …

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    MSHA recently announced a proposed rule requiring that continuous mining machines be equipped with proximity detection systems. NIOSH has been working on this problem for over ten years and believes that an Intelligent Proximity Detection (IPD) system may be the answer to keeping miners safe around underground equipment.

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    Ergonomics Considerations for Proximity Warning …

    Proximity warning systems are complicated systems overlaid on an existing system • Need to understand users and how they will use the system • Design systems to optimize human performance • Ergonomics analysis should not be an afterthought – The cost of implementing ergonomics is minimized at the design phase

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    Industrial work sites often present extreme challenges to safety-based proximity warning devices. Many commercially available types of proximity warning sensors and systems can be rendered useless when covered with mud, ice, snow, ore, rock, and other material. The list includes radar, ultrasonic, capacitive, and visual types …

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    Collision warning systems currently use one of several methods, including radar, radio-frequency-signal detection, or ultrasonic signals, to detect and warn of the presence of an object or person in the blind spots of the mining equipment. Most available systems have not been tested on large off-highway dump trucks.

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    Acting as an impartial third party, NIOSH has evaluated commercially available proximity detection systems for both underground and surface mining. Based on these findings, recommendations for …

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    An Active Proximity Warning System For Surface And Underground Mining

    NIOSH has developed an active proximity warning system called HASARD (Hazardous Area Signaling and Ranging Device) for warning workers as they approach known dangerous areas around heavy mining equipment and other dangerous work zones. HASARD is composed of a transmitter and a receiver.

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    NIOSH has developed a patented active proximity warning system called HASARD (Hazardous Area Signaling and Ranging Device) which employs low-frequency, low-power magnetic fields which are quite impervious to severe environmental conditions.

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    The NIOSH Office of Mine Safety and Health Research sponsored a free, one-day workshop to discuss proximity warning and detection systems for mining equipment. NIOSH researchers presented …

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    Charleston, WV: September 15, 2010. The NIOSH Office of Mine Safety and Health Research sponsored a free, one-day workshop to discuss proximity warning and detection systems for mining equipment. NIOSH researchers presented information on the latest technologies, both experimental and commercial, to prevent collisions between mining …

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    This document details the original development by the NIOSH Office of Mine Safety and Health Research of a novel electromagnetic-based proximity warning (PW) system to warn underground coal miners whenever they get too close to continuous mining machines. Its utility, shown by the early tests of the system, resulted in its …

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    An Active Proximity Warning System for Surface and Underground Mining Applications; Effect of Operator Position on the Incidence of Continuous Mining Machine/Worker Collisions; Engineering Considerations and Selection Criteria for Proximity Warning Systems for Mining Operations; An Environmentally Robust …

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    Table 1. Basic types of mining equipment and associated PWS selection criteria. Vehicle type PWS selection criteria; Continuous miner: Must be an active system; work in close proximity to other objects; alarm only when a person is in danger; be MSHA-approved; be accurate over short distances; operate through coal, rock, dust, water sprays, and steel; …

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    NIOSH has developed an active proximity warning system called HASARD (Hazardous Area Signaling and Ranging Device) for warning workers as they approach known dangerous areas around …

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    NIOSH studied technology and methods that could reduce accidents involving surface mining equipment. These proximity warning systems included radar, sonar, GPS, radio transceiver tags, and combinations of radar and cameras.

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    10/1/2015. End Date. 9/30/2018. Objective. To develop guidelines that the mining industry and regulatory agencies could use in the design and implementation of proximity detection technology for mobile equipment in underground coal mines. Topic Area. Proximity Detection.

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    Recommendations for evaluating and implementing proximity warning …

    These proximity warning systems included radar, sonar, GPS, radio transceiver tags, and combinations of radar and cameras. A summary of test results is presented in this report, along with guidance on effective proximity warning technology, installation and maintenance considerations, and recommendations for effective implementation.

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    The NIOSH-developed intelligent system has the potential to have a significant impact on the mining industry by greatly advancing the state-of-the-art in proximity detection technology, leading to increased operator safety, and reducing the frequency of injuries and fatalities. Authors: CC Jobes, J Carr, JP Ducarme.

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    Principal Investigator: Chenming Zhou - Request information Start Date: 10/1/2015: End Date: 9/30/2018: Objective: To develop guidelines that the mining industry and regulatory agencies could use in the design and implementation of proximity detection technology for mobile equipment in underground coal mines.

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    CDC twenty four seven. Saving Lives, Protecting People ... CDC Home. Mining Publication: Test Results of Collision Warning Systems for Surface Mining Dump Trucks. Keywords: Anticollision devices Haulage trucks Proximity detection Proximity detection systems RFID systems Warning equipment. Original creation date: May 2000.

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    An Active Proximity Warning System for Surface and Underground Mining Applications; Advances in Proximity Detection Technologies for Surface Mining Equipment; Effect of Operator Position on the Incidence of Continuous Mining Machine/Worker Collisions; An Environmentally Robust Proximity Warning System for …

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    The NIOSH-developed intelligent system has the potential to have a significant impact on the mining industry by greatly advancing the state-of-the-art in proximity detection technology, leading to increased operator safety, and reducing the frequency of injuries and fatalities. Page last reviewed: November 18, 2015.

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    Mining Publication: Test Results of Collision Warning Systems for Surface Mining Dump Trucks. An average of 13 mine workers are killed each year by being run over or pinned by mobile mining equipment. At surface mines, these accidents commonly involve large dump trucks that drive over a smaller vehicle or a person that is …

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    Presentations covered technologies suitable for all mining applications, with special emphasis on underground mining. The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) provided an update on recent proximity detection activities, and the West ia Mine Safety Technology Task Force reported on its efforts to implement proximity …

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    NIOSH has developed an active proximity warning system called HASARD (Hazardous Area Signaling and Ranging Device) for warning workers as they approach known dangerous areas around heavy mining equipment and …

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    Mining Publication: Mineworkers' Perceptions of Mobile Proximity Detection Systems. Accident data indicates that mobile haulage poses a significant pinning, crushing, and striking risk. Proximity detection systems (PDSs) have the potential to protect mineworkers from these risks. However, unintended consequences of mobile …

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    The HASARD system has many potential safety applications for warning and protecting personnel working in close proximity to potentially dangerous areas around many different work environments including underground mining, highwall mining, surface mining, highway construction work zone sites, construction work sites, steel-making …

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    An Environmentally Robust Proximity Warning System …

    proximity warning system was employed. Addressing the needs of worker safety, NIOSH personnel obtained and tested a variety of different types of proximity warning systems to determine their reliability and effectiveness under varying conditions. The first tests were focused on underground coal mining. Coal mines have extremely harsh working

    • منتوجات جديدة
    Evaluation of an Advanced Proximity Detection System …

    Test Procedures. This system has been implemented and tested using a Joy 14CM continuous mining machine as a prototype platform. The installed proximity detection hardware is shown in Figure 8, and the host PC used for …

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    Industrial work sites often present extreme challenges to safety-based proximity warning devices. Many commercially available types of proximity warning sensors and systems can be rendered …

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