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seminar on recycled aggregate concrete ppt

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Recycled Concrete Aggregates

Download presentation. Presentation on theme: "Recycled Concrete Aggregates"— Presentation transcript: 1 Recycled Concrete Aggregates. Instructor: …

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sbm ppt on civil engineering on recycled aggregate concreteUse of recycled concrete aggregate in concrete: a review, Sep 06,2013· AbstractThe use of recycled concrete ag

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Use Of Recycled Aggregate In Concrete

1.2 Advantages of recycling of construction materials -: Used for construction of precast & cast in situ gutters &kerb‟s. Cost saving: - There are no detrimental effects on concrete & it is expected that the increase in the cost of cement could be offset by the lower cost of Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA).

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Final review ppt project EFFECTIVENESS OF USING RECYCLED …

It is also found that, Compressive strength of 20%, 25% Replacement of 10 mm, 20 mm and combination of 10 mm and 20 mm in RCA mix cubes are comes closer to the compressive strength results of conventional concrete at 12 hours, 3 days, 7 days, 28 days. Compressive strength is decreased while replacing recycled coarse aggregates …

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A report on use of waste plastic in concrete | PDF

Fine aggregates = 34.447 kg 4. Natural coarse aggregates = 55.02 kg 5. Plastic waste aggregates = 2.89kg For third concrete cube casting with 10% replacement of natural aggregates with plastic waste aggregates, weights of materials were 1. Cement content = 22.53 kg 2. Water = 9.915 kg 3.

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This paper aims to summarize and critique the existing body of literature based on coarse recycled concrete aggregates and highlight some of its practical applications. Finally, …

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Recycled Concrete Aggregates: A Review | International …

After demolition of old roads and buildings, the removed concrete is often considered worthless and disposed of as demolition waste. By collecting the used concrete and breaking it up, recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is created (Fig. 1).This paper focuses on coarse RCA which is the coarse aggregate from the original concrete that is …

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recycled aggregate concrete | PPT

It is called recycled aggregate which can be produced by concrete Crusher. The aggregates are categorized by size as coarse and fine aggregate. The characteristic of recycled aggregates could be different by its parent concrete because the parent concrete was designed for its purposes such as permeable, durable and high …

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Mix Design for Pervious Recycled Aggregate Concrete

The water absorption for 20 and 13 mm recycled concrete aggregates was 5.3 and 8.2 %, respectively, compared to 1.0 % for the natural aggregate. High water absorption and lower specific gravity for 13 mm recycled concrete aggregate are due to increased amount of weak attached mortar compared to that for 20 mm recycled …

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sbm/sbm use of recycled aggregate concrete at …

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(PDF) Recycled Concrete Aggregates: A Review

This study of structural concrete made with recycled concrete aggregate focuses on two issues: 1. The characterization of such aggregate on the Spanish market. This involved conducting standard ...

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Use of Plastics and E-waste in Concrete | PPT

Use of Plastics and E-waste in Concrete. Nov 12, 2013 •. 42 likes • 19,080 views. Indian Institute of Technology Madras Follow. As replacement for fine aggregate in concrete, plastic and e-waste was …

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Recycled Aggregates | PDF | Construction Aggregate | Concrete …

Recycled Aggregates.ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. re

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Use of Recycled Aggregate in Concrete Seminar Report pdf

The utilization of recycled aggregate is particularly very promising as 75 per cent of concrete is made of aggregates. In that case, the aggregates considered are slag, power plant wastes, recycled concrete, mining and quarrying wastes, waste glass, incinerator residue, red mud, burnt clay, sawdust, combustor ash and foundry sand.

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Recycled Concrete Aggregates

Recycled Concrete Aggregates - ppt download. Published by Bryan Townsend Modified over 8 years ago. Embed. Download presentation. Presentation on theme: "Recycled …

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Transparent concrete | PPT

3. Transparent material means which can be seen from one part to another part. Light transmitting concrete (LiTraCon) also known as translucent concrete, is a concrete based building material having light …

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Five specimens 150x150mm concrete cubes with varying percentages of coarse recycled aggregate of 0 % (control), 25, 50, 75 and were prepared. All the mixes were proportioned using the ...

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Recycled Concrete Aggregate | PDF | Construction Aggregate …

The document discusses recycled concrete aggregate which can be obtained from demolishing old concrete structures. It notes that rapid construction has increased costs and depleted natural resources, so recycled aggregate provides an environmentally friendly and economical alternative. The process involves crushing demolished …

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(PDF) Concrete using recycled aggregates

The recycled aggregates obtained from waste concrete are more angular and have higher absorption and specific gravity than natural coarse aggregates and it resulted in increased strength...

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(PDF) Use of recycled concrete aggregate in concrete: A …

The use of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in concrete as partial and full replacements of natural coarse aggregate is growing interest in the construction industry, as it reduces the demand for ...

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Recycled Concrete Aggregate

The utilization of recycled aggregate is particularly very essential as major part of concrete is made of aggregates. Most of waste materials produced by demolished structures disposed off by dumping them as land fill. Dumping of wastes on land is causing shortage of dumping place in urban areas. Therefore, it is necessary to start recycling ...

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These researches promotes to use the recycled aggregates in the concrete mix and they got good result when adding some extent percentages of recycled aggregates in place of natural coarse aggregate. 1.6 TILE AGGREGATE CONCRETE: Crushed tiles are replaced in place of coarse aggregate and granite powder in place of fine aggregate by the ...

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Advantages of Recycled Aggregates • Granulated Blast Furnace Slag • Uses 90% less energy in production than the production of portland cement • Emission of carbon dioxide is almost negligible • Provides improved strength and durability • Reduces permeability • Improves workability. Concrete Canoe • 50% of the total amount of ...

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Seminar on replacement of fine aggregate | PPT

AIR CONTENT • The air content is in between 4.2% and 4.5% in concrete in which natural sand is replaced by three percentages (10%, 20%, 30%) of used foundry sand. • In fresh concrete, the air content of class F fly ash concrete is lower than that of normal weight concrete.

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Green Concrete Seminar PPT with pdf report

Features of Green Concrete. Cement. The majority of the CO2 in the green concrete comes from the cement manufacturing process. Generally, there is around 10% of cement in a typical cubic meter of concrete. Most of the carbon dioxide comes out of cement out of all ingredients. Aggregate.

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plastic bricks | PPT

plastic bricks. 3. Concept • To make the high strength plastic sand bricks • Reuse the waste plastic • To clean the environment • To reduce the economical problems • To reduce the amount of waste plastic for land filling. 4. Introduction • The waste plastics are to be effectively utilised.

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PPT - Recycled Concrete Aggregates PowerPoint Presentation, free download - ID:811793. Presentation. 1 / 21. Download Presentation >> Recycled …

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the recycled aggregate concrete is almost 85% and 80% of natural aggregate concrete. Amn (2002), concrete having a 28 -day compressive strength of 28 MPa was crushed at ages 1, 3 and 28 days to serve as a source of aggregate for new concrete,

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Use of Recycled Aggregate in Concrete Seminar ppt

The utilization of recycled aggregate is particularly very promising as 75 per cent of concrete is made of aggregates. In that case, the aggregates considered are slag, power plant wastes, recycled concrete, mining and quarrying wastes, waste glass, incinerator residue, red mud, burnt clay, sawdust, combustor ash and foundry sand.

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Geopolymer concrete incorporating recycled aggregates: A …

The use of recycled aggregates minimizes the density of concrete, owing to the reduced density of the recycled aggregates compared with conventional aggregates. Hu et al. ( Hu et al., 2019 ) stated a reduction in the density of RA used concrete by 4–8% (varying from 2165-2432 kg/m 3 ) compared to the reference concrete containing natural ...

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Physical Properties of Aggregates Seminar On Green Concrete Submitted To: Submitted By: Frost resistance of recycled concrete Silica fume The transition zone is a thin layer between the bulk hydrated cement paste and the aggregate particles in concrete. This zone is the weakest. Durability of recycled concrete

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4. GREEN RECYCLED AGGREGATE CONCRETE (GRAC) GRAC made with recycled concrete aggregate, low cement content and high content of different mineral supplements Such concretes belong to ''green'' or ''eco'' concretes Here GRAC produced with fine river aggregate coarse recycled aggregate Portland Cement Silica …

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recycled concrete Topic

Recycled Concrete. Definition: hardened concrete that has been processed for reuse, usually as aggregate.-. ACI Concrete Terminology. The reason for recycling is the reduction of waste in order to protect nature against pollution, the increasing shortage of suitable dumping grounds, and to save energy and natural …

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(PPT) Coconut Shell as Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate …

The possibility of utilizing recycled coconut shell aggregates in concrete as coarse aggregate is examined in the present study. An optimum percentage replacement of coarse aggregate with coconut shell aggregate is determined from the study. Coarse aggregate made from coconut shells were used in proportions of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30% …

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A Comprehensive Review on Recycled Aggregate and

Kou et al. ( Kou and Poon, 2013) investigated the long-term properties (up to ten years) of the outdoor exposed RAC consisting recycled concrete aggregate and fly ash as partial replacement of aggregate and cement, respectively. Four replacement ratios of FA to cement in weight, i.e. 0%, 25%, 35% and 55% were considered.

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Eco friendly-concrete (Green Concrete) | PPT

8. Need Of Eco-Friendly Concrete Need of green concrete for better environment and sustainable construction can be characterized by the following factors; Consumption of Natural Resources: More than 5 cubic billion yard concrete is produced globally, requiring huge natural resources for producing cement and aggregates. Global …

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What are Recycle aggregates • Recycled aggregates are the aggregates produced from the processing of previously used construction materials such as concrete or masonry. • Recycled …

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Recycled Aggregates. Sep 02, 2012. 1.15k likes | 4.03k Views. Recycled Aggregates. The Wolfpack. Brittany Bowers, Conner Watson, David Valecillos, Brian Grace. What …

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Green Concrete | PDF | Construction Aggregate | Concrete

f Advantages. • User-friendly. • Optimized mix designs mean easier handling, better. consistency and easier finishing. • Reduction in shrinkage & creep. • Green Concrete uses local and recycled materials in. concrete. • The heat of hydration of green concrete is significantly. lower than traditional concrete.

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Advances on the Use of Geopolymer Recycled Aggregate Concrete …

Almutairi et al. ( 2021 ) did comprehensive research and found that the use of geopolymer cement in the construction industry will reduce 80% of carbon dioxide emissions associated with the production of concrete. It will also be helpful in reducing the cost of raw materials. Le et al. ( 2021) evaluated that, the old concrete obtained from ...

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