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carbon ustilago scitaminea sydow

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Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, Zamorano

35 años. La. micropropagación de caña de azúcar se hace a través del cultivo in vitro de ápices meristemáticos. Esta técnica se utiliza para la introducción rápida de nuevas variedades a campo. Dentro de las técnicas. de cultivo de tejidos esta la producción de vitro-plantas vía organogénesis que es un conjunto de.

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Bệnh than đen

Triệu chứng của bệnh than đen Ustilago scitaminea Sydow. Roi được hình thành từ mô ngọn hay chồi tận cùng của cây bị nhiễm, phủ đầy bao tử màu đen (teliospore: đông bào tử). Chồi bị nhiễm trở nên mảnh dẻ và giống như …

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El carbón de la caña de azúcar (Ustilago scitaminea Sydow): …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "El carbón de la caña de azúcar (Ustilago scitaminea Sydow): métodos de diagnóstico" by Y. Muñíz et al. Skip to search form Skip to main content Skip to account menu. Semantic Scholar's Logo. Search 212,579,169 papers from all fields of science. Search ...

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Genome sequencing of Sporisorium scitamineum provides …

In carbon utilization experiments, the basal medium was supplemented with 90 mM of the carbon source that had equivalent carbon content to that of sucrose. ... Santiago R, de Armas R, Legaz ME, Vicente C. Separation from Ustilago scitaminea of different elicitors which modify the pattern of phenolic accumulation in sugarcane leaves. …

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(PDF) Effect of Sugarcane Smut (Ustilago scitaminea Syd.) …

ARTICLE INFO abstract Sugarcane smut disease, caused by Ustilago scitaminea Syd., significantly decreases yield in sugarcane production. Guangxi is the dominant sugarcane growing province in China ...

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El ahijamiento in vitro en presencia de filtrados de U. scitaminea …

El ahijamiento in vitro en presencia de filtrados de U. scitaminea Sydow como criterio para la resistencia al carbón de variedades de caña de azúcar

  • منتوجات جديدة
Control of sugarcane smut (Ustilago scitaminea syd) …

Sugarcane smut (Ustilago scitaminea) is the most prevalent and serious disease of sugarcane in Nigeria. ... Smut of sugarcane is caused by the fungus Ustilago scitmainea (Sydow, 1924). The first report of the disease incidence came from Natal, South Africa in 1877 as reported by Luthra et al., (1940) and … Expand. 90. PDF. Save.

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Smut disease assessment by PCR and microscopy in …

1.. IntroductionSmut disease in sugarcane caused by the fungus Ustilago scitaminea (H and P Sydow) occurs in all sugarcane-producing countries except Papua New Guinea, and has produced epidemics in several parts of the world. The disease has been severe in nearly all countries at one time or another [1] and can be sufficiently …

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Reacción De 100 Variedades De Caña De Azúcar

Reacción De 100 Variedades De Caña De Azúcar (Saccharum Officinarum) Del Banco De Germoplasma Del Cincae, Al Carbón (Ustilago Scitaminea Sydow), Roya (Puccinia Melanocephala Sydow) Y Mosaico ...

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Ustilago scitaminea Syd.

Ustilago scitaminea Syd. Dataset GBIF Backbone Taxonomy Rank SPECIES Published in (1924). Annls Mycol. 22(3/6): 281. Classification kingdom Fungi phylum ...

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Inhibition of germination of spores of Ustilago scitaminea Sydow by plant extracts is experimentally demonstrated in the present paper. Different varietal responses to fungus filtrates with ...

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Thirty-two years of smut disease status in the world's largest

Among the diseases found in sugarcane, smut caused by Sporisorium …

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Evaluation of Several Sugarcane Varieties for Smut Resistance …

Using mixed spores of Ustilago scitaminea Sydow as the inoculum, smut resistance identification of 7major sugarcane varieties had been carried out by dipping inoculation method in a new plant field experiment and showed that Yue93/159, Guitang94/116 and ROC25 were moderately resistant to smut. Using mixed spores of Ustilago scitaminea …

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Evidence for the dispersal of a unique lineage from Asia to …

The basidiomycete Ustilago scitaminea Sydow, which causes sugarcane smut disease, …

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(PDF) Control biológico de Ustilago scitaminea Sydow con …

El presente trabajo se llevo efecto en el laboratorio de Fitopatologia pertenecientes al centro de investigaciones de la universidad central de las Villas en el periodo comprendido de noviembre de 1993 a mayo de 1994. en el mismo se estudio el

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(PDF) Técnicas para el estudio de la interacción caña de …

(Ustilago scitaminea Sydow), agente causal del carbón. La resistencia a esta enfermedad, en la caña, está dada por diversos factores, entre los que se destacan, la activación de numerosas ...

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ESCUELA SUPERIOR POLITCNICA DEL LITORAL Facultad de Ingeniera en Mecnica y Ciencias de la Produccin Reaccin de 100 variedades de Caa de Azcar (Saccharum officinarum) del…

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Physiological Basis of Smut Infectivity in the Early Stages of …

1. Introduction. Sugarcane plants are affected by multiple microorganisms, …

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Evaluation of sugarcane smut resistance in wild sugarcane

Sugarcane smut, caused by Sporisorium scitamineum (previously called Ustilago scitaminea), is one of the most important sugarcane diseases in Japan and other sugarcane-growing countries. A typical symptom of this disease is the development of a whip-like sorus from the top of the infected stalks, and the spores of the exposed sorus …

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[PDF] Evaluation of natural resistance to smut in elite …

Using mixed spores of Ustilago scitaminea Sydow collected in main sugarcane-producing areas in Guangdong Province as a inoculum, smut resistance identification has been carried out to 34 Sugarcane varieties or clones through new plant field experiments. ... It suggested that smut race 1 and race 2 were included in inocula and the condition for ...

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Những điều cần biết về Bệnh than đen

Giải pháp ngăn ngừa, diệt trừ nbsp;bệnh than đen Ustilago scitaminea Sydow. + Ngâm hom trong nước lạnh đang chảy 48 giờ, tiếp đến xử lý nước nóng (50oC từ 150 – 180 phút); hoặc ngâm hom trong nước nóng 52oC trong nửa tiếng sẽ trừ được bệnh than đen khỏi hom bị lây nhiễm ...

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Sexuality in Ustilago scitaminea Syd | Semantic Scholar

Tissue-cultured plantlets of three sugarcane cultivars having a known field smut reaction were screened for susceptibility to Ustilago scitaminea H&P Sydow and blind scoring of an unknown sugarcanes cultivar by this method …

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(PDF) Experimental evidence for the presence of different …

Smut disease of sugarcane, caused by the fungus Ustilago scitaminea Sydow, can cause considerable yield losses and reductions in cane quality. To investigate the reactions of the seedlings to smut ...

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Smut (Ustilago scitaminea Sydow.) is one of the most important sugarcane diseases …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Evidence for the dispersal of a unique lineage from Asia to …

The basidiomycete Ustilago scitaminea Sydow, which causes sugarcane smut disease, has been spreading throughout Africa and America since the 1940s. The genetic diversity and structure of different populations of this fungus worldwide was investigated using microsatellites. A total of 142 single-teliospore were isolated from 77 distinct whips ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Control biológico de Ustilago scitaminea Sydow con el

Abstract. El presente trabajo se llevó efecto en el laboratorio de Fitopatología pertenecientes al centro de investigaciones de la universidad central de las Villas en el periodo comprendido de ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Control biológico de Ustilago scitaminea Sydow con el …

The possible biocontrol of Trichoderma spp and Gliocladium above Ustilago scitaminea was studied in laboraory conditions and it was demostrated that U. scitaminesa was controled by Trichoerma sps and GlIocladium spp. El presente trabajo se llevo efecto en el laboratorio de Fitopatologia pertenecientes al centro de investigaciones de la …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Smut disease assessment by PCR and microscopy in …

1.. IntroductionSmut disease in sugarcane caused by the fungus Ustilago …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Evaluation of smut inoculation techniques in sugarcane …

Smut disease of sugarcane, caused by the fungus Ustilago scitaminea Sydow, can cause considerable yield losses and reductions in cane quality. To investigate the reactions of the seedlings to smut, three different inoculation methods were employed. Data on number of smut whips per stool, disease incidents per population and number of …

  • منتوجات جديدة
La resistencia in vitro al carbón (Ustilago scitaminea Syd.) y …

En este trabajo se presen- tan los resultados de la aplicación de filtrados del cultivo de U. scitaminea Sydow a plántulas micropropagadas in vitro, como posible prueba de resistencia al ...

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Reacción de cultivares de caña de azucar a la inoculación con Ustilago …

PDF | On Dec 12, 2007, Emma Ramirez Poletto published Reacción de cultivares de caña de azucar a la inoculación con Ustilago scitaminea mediante método combinado | Find, read and cite all the ...

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Discovering The Molecular Variations Among Distinct

Preliminary studies on the genetics of sugarcane smut, Ustilago …

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Ustilago scitaminea Sydow is a basidiomycete of the order Ustilaginales or smut fungi and is found ... Ustilago maydis, is affected by carbon dioxide levels and this is also considered to be a pH effect via dissolved carbon dioxide (Platz et al., 1927, in Fisher and Holton, 1957). In terms of

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Reacción de veinte clones de caña de azúcar a la

Download Citation | Reacción de veinte clones de caña de azúcar a la enfermedad del carbón Ustilago scitaminea Sydow | Con el fin de determinar el comportamiento de veinte clones (17 ...

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