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hammel recyclingtechnik

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

The HAMMEL-Recyclingtechnik has depending on your requirements different machines available for various applications. We can transport your rental machine! On request, we supply all rental equipment to your site, subject to availability of our trucks.

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VB 1500 DK

Description. VB 1500 Primary Shredder is fitted with a double diesel-hydraulic drive that enables force transmission into the special intertwining shafts from two sides. The two-piece tilting hopper with individual controls allows handling of large volumes. This is perfect for shredding metal such as car bodies, engine blocks and mixed scrap.

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik has both a worldwide sales and service network as well as subsidiaries and affiliates such as: With our dealers and service partners in Europe, America, South America, Asia …

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik has both a worldwide sales and service network as well as subsidiaries and affiliates such as: HAMMEL Swiss With our dealers and service …

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VB 950 DK/E

Hammel presents VB 950 primary shredder. It features unique intertwining shafts. These shafts straightaway bring in and shred materials. Magnetic separation is done via an overbelt magnet. The shredder also has a high volume tilting hopper. VB 950 offers high performance, and consumes little energy. It emits very little noise, and forms low ...

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik presents RED GIANT in a …

HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik presents its new bestseller, the completely redesigned HAMMEL shredder type VB 950 DK, which is now is now available as our standard VB 950. With its newly designed discharge conveyor belt, having an enormous discharge height of approx. 5000 mm, giving customers even more room for storing the material after …

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

10/10 discs with 10 knives per disc (reconditioned) gear box: max. torque: 480.000 Nm with cooling system. Status. reconditioned according to the HAMMEL - Standard. Version. separate oil / water cooling system discharge belt (2-parted belt system), discharge height approx. 5.000 mm (inclination 33°) fixed hopper, hopper volume approx. 20 m3.

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

The shredding takes place through newly developed eccentric discs and the special shredding rotor. With a fittet screen basket a precise end product size is achieved. Advantages. high performance. low energy consumption. rocessing costs per ton are approx. 50% lower than standard/conventional mega shredders.

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik , Bad Salzungen, Germany …

The visualizations for "HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik , Bad Salzungen, Germany" are provided by North Data and may be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license. Countries and Sources Coverage Help center Blog Newsletter Jobs German Website

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

For the waste wood recycling, the HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik facilitates processes and techniques to separate contaminants from the waste wood, to yield a reusable product. The waste wood is processed for the further use with a customized HAMMEL wood recycling plant. The HAMMEL-primary shredder processes the intake waste wood in a …

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All HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik catalogs and technical brochures. MMA 1400 E. 8 Pages. NZS 700 D/E NZS 1000 DK/E. 2 Pages. product guide. 13 Pages. HAMMEL primary shredder brochure. 16 Pages. …

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik – 25 years (R)evolution

HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik started manufacturing the „Original" HAMMEL shredders in 1996 at the Bad Salzungen site and it has been constantly growing ever since. How did it all start and what is the success story of HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik ? Working together in only one small production hall, which contained offices, the storage …

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik - Trade Shows. Schauen Sie unsere aktuellste Demo Tag Video an. Im Juli 2022 haben wir für unseren Kunden unsere Metallanlage und einige neue Maschinen vorgeführt.

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik - Unternehmen. Stationäre Anlagen. Mehr Erfahren. Eine Sinnvolle Alternative. Mehr Erfahren. Product 2020 The StageV Experience. Der …

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

Robert Baumann Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Middle East, UK, France, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik – 25 years (R)evolution

What distinguishes the HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik company: Two-shaft principle – multifunctionality Due to the "Original" two-shaft principle, which is known worldwide, …

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All HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik catalogs and technical brochures. MMA 1400 E. 8 Pages. NZS 700 D/E NZS 1000 DK/E. 2 Pages. product guide. 13 Pages. HAMMEL primary shredder brochure. 16 Pages. …

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

14 t. HZ 52 DT Data sheet. 0.39 . Functional principle. The HAMMEL HZ 52 has a double drum screen which facilitates the screening of 3 fractions while wire-screens achieve a clean separation of various materials. Advantages. effektive Siebergebnisse. maximum mobility through trailer suspension. high flexibility due to variable mesh sizes.

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik of Bad Salzungen, Thüringen. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.

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Nachzerkleinerer / Secondary Shredder HEM 1250 DK / MD / E HAMMEL zentral in Europa HAMMEL central in Europe HAMMEL München Phone: Fax: Internet: E-mail: Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information. HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik Leimbacher Strasse 103 D-36433 Bad Salzungen. Open the …

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

HAMMEL is a German manufacturer of mobile and stationary shredding plants for various materials. Learn more about its products, used machines, trade shows and contact …

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Hammel NZS wear and spare parts | CUTMETALL

HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik also solves demanding tasks such as railway sleepers, slabs, wind blades and dumper tyres with innovative strength and advanced products. With its dealers and service partners in Europe, America, South America, Asia and Africa, HAMMEL is the reliable partner for recycling technology worldwide.

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Vorbrecher / Primary Shredder HAMMEL 750 DK HAMMEL zentral in Europa HAMMEL central in Europe special EDITION Berlin HAMMEL 750 DK in limitierter Stückzahl mit herausragenden 480 PS powered by C13 ! …

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VB 750 D/E

Find out all of the information about the HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik product: primary shredder VB 750 D/E. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.

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Hammel slouží ke zpracování biomasy a výrobě štěpky. Jsou také vhodné pro zpracování komunálního odpadu, stavební sutě a mnoho dalších materiálů jako napříkad pro drcení pneumatik. ... Nenní-li stanoveno jinak platí obchodní podmínky firmy HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

The HAMMEL shredder type VB 850 DK - the first time at the Expobiomasa trade fair in Spain SIZE DOESN'T MATTER HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik , based in Central Germany, is a manufacturer of pre- and post-shredders and processing plants, which have been sold worldwide from Bad Salzungen in Thuringia since 1996.

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

Having Hammel as a partner in Canada was a major asset for Envirojim. Our company is very proud to be the distributor of a world-renowned company, recognized for the range and quality of its products. With …

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product guide

Catalog excerpts. Primary shredders HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik has been operating in the area of shredding technology HAMMEL-primary shredders are able to crush extremely complex material. Their special and recycling plants for more than 20 years. Due to the worldwide known, patented intertwining shafts can be customized to …

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HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik

HAMMEL Used Equipment. *Please choose a machine from the list to the left. HAMMEL VB 750 D #587. HAMMEL VB 750 DK - aus Alt mach NEU / from roughly used to nearly new.

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Vorbrecher / Primary Shredder Type VB 950 DK RED GIANT HAMMEL zentral in Europa HAMMEL central in Europe Das leistungsstarke Multitalent. The powerful multitalent. HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik Leimbacher Straße 103 D-36433 Bad Salzungen Phone: Fax: Internet: E-mail: Open the catalog to page 1.

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