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the role of family in mining

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Regulation and the Role of Trust: Reflections from the Mining …

The role of prosecution in achieving compliance with social regulation is a highly contentious issue, ... In the mining industry, interactions between inspectors and the regulated industry are frequent and ongoing and trust is central to constructive relations. When those relations break down (as under an inappropriate prosecution policy) then ...

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'It was a set-up, we were fooled': the coal mine that ate an …

This coal is located close to the surface, which makes it easy to mine. The federal government has divided the region into 23 "coal blocks", six of which it has approved for mining. The Adani ...

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The Role of Mining in the Australian Economy | SpringerLink

Abstract. Australia is a resource-dependent economy. The performance of the mining sector affects all Australians either directly, for example, through employment and share ownership, or indirectly, through capital investment and tax revenue. Australia is a global leader in the extraction and export of a range of key minerals, and its ...

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Role Of Technology In Mining

It is necessary that companies, as properly as people, guide U.S. mining to proceed to be one of the international leaders in the area when it comes to presenting the ultra-modern technologies.

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Mining the Roles of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) SnRK Gene Family …

the yeast SNF1 gene, which was rst disc overe d and well-known by its role in the global regulation of carbon metabolism including glucose r epr ession, and lipid accumulation [10]. SnRK2 and S ...

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Mine Planning and the Crucial Role of Geology

Abstract. Mine planning is the process that determines the way in which an ore deposit will be mined over the life of a mining operation. It necessarily draws on everything that planning engineers believe will determine the ultimate success of the proposed mine and uses as its foundation all of the geology-related data on the deposit.

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(PDF) Unearthing the Role of Breadwinners in Family Resilience

Unearthing the Role of Breadwinners in Family Resilience During a Crisis:: A Case Study in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Community in Tewang Pajangan, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

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Mental health in mine workers: a literature review

- Workers presented concerns about playing less of a role in family life and being an outsider. Also, presented negative impacts on their partner's relationship. They …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Mining's relocation culture: The experiences of …

Findings Themes identified included the role of industry practices and expectations in supporting relocation; personal strengths and strategies developed over time; individual and family needs during relocation; the …

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Role of Hillary Clinton's brother in Haiti gold mine raises …

and. Rosalind S. Helderman. March 20, 2015 at 12:26 p.m. EDT. A man walks with a horse close to the guardhouse of VCS Mining, which mines gold in Haiti and has raised controversy by naming Tony ...

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(PDF) The Role of Statistics in Data Mining

Data mining (DM) is the exploration and analysis of large quantities of data in order to discover meaningful patterns and rules. It allows users to analyze data from many different dimensions or ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
The Role of Mining in the Economies of Developing Countries …

2 Mining and Development: Theoretical Rationales. The essence of the "development" argument for mining in developing countries is that the industry can contribute significantly to economic growth and generate revenues for host country governments. Economic growth is, as nearly all mainstream economists recognize, …

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(PDF) APEC Women's Participation in the Mining …

This report provides insights regarding the economic participation of women in the mining industry; the challenges faced by women and living within communities affected by mining...

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The Important, Role, and Function of the Family in Society

Within the family, individuals learn essential life skills, such as problem-solving, communication, and interpersonal skills, that help them navigate their lives and relationships with others ...

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Rejuvenating South Africa's economy

In 2020, mining added 8.40%, or R371.90-billion in nominal terms, to gross domestic product (GDP). Mining also provides the single greatest part of South Africa's export revenues and employs directly, and indirectly, more people than any other comparable sector. The industry in 2020 provided direct employment to more than 452 …

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Family, Gender, and Labour in the Greek Mines, 1860–1940

The article examines the influence of family and gender relations on labour in the Greek mines in the period 1860–1940 by highlighting migration trajectories, paternalistic …

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Mining the Roles of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) SnRK Gene Family …

The multi-tissue and multi-stage expression suggest the TaSnRK gene family's critical role in wheat growth and development. ... Zhou XY, Zhu XG, Shao WN, Song JH, Jiang WQ, He YQ, Yin JL, Ma DF, Qiao Genome-Wide Mining of Wheat DUF966 Gene Family Provides New Insights Into Salt Stress Responses. Frontiers in Plant science. 2020;28(11).

  • منتوجات جديدة
Mining's relocation culture: The experiences of family …

This is the first paper that examines family experiences and social relationships, external to the industry they are connected to. The finding that family …

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The roles of FXYD family members in ovarian cancer: an …

Background The FXYD family of ion transport regulators have emerged as important modulators of cancer progression and metastasis. However, their expression and roles in ovarian cancer (OCa) have ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Mining's relocation culture: The experiences of …

There is a dearth of information on the experiences of those with a family member in the mining industry International Journal of Sociology and even though they are a critical part – the life part – of work-life balance. ... the …

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Here's the Mining in Society patch, cover and first two …

Explain the role mining has in production and processing things that are grown. c. From the list of minerals you chose for 1a, determine the countries where those minerals can be found, and ...

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Economics of the Stars: The Future of Asteroid Mining and …

However, many experts argue on the flip side that asteroid mining would quickly destroy the economy of global raw materials, currently valued at about US$660 billion. They claim this economy would be quickly overtaken by the quintillions of dollars worth of material from asteroid mining. Asteroid mining resources would flood the …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Mining the Roles of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) SnRK Gene Family …

These results imply that TaSnRK2.4-B may act as a multifunctional regulatory factor involved in multiple stress response pathways, providing new insights into the roles of Ta SnRKs in biotic and abiotic responses. BackgroundSucrose non-fermenting-1-related protein kinase (SnRK) is a class of Ser/Thr protein kinases and plays vital functions in …

  • منتوجات جديدة

Mining is the process of extracting useful materials from the earth. Some examples of substances that are mined include coal, gold, or iron ore.Iron . ore is the material from which the metal iron is produced.. The process of mining dates back to prehistoric times.. Prehistoric people first mined flint, which was ideal for tools and …

  • منتوجات جديدة
(PDF) Mining[U+05F3]s relocation culture: the experiences of …

Findings Themes identified included the role of industry practices and expectations in supporting relocation; personal strengths and strategies developed over …

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Role mining to isolate the best roles

Role mining is the best way to aggregate existing user permissions, or entitlements, into a role. If you can collapse 100 permissions into a role, you can assign that role to users with only one assignment instead of making 100 assignments of 100 permissions. If you model the system according to role-based access control, you have all ...

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Governance in mining: Management, ethics

3. Method. In order to explore the issue of governance in the mining industry in both its theoretical and applied aspects, a meta-analysis was performed of the content of 186 bibliographical references (BR from here on), comprising books, book chapters and articles in academic journals (Ngulube, 2020).This sample was the outcome of a general …

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The Changing Role of Family Income and Ability in …

family income, so some researchers have attempted to simultaneously control for ability and family income, as well as other family background characteristics that might affect schooling decisions.4 Doing so substan-tially reduces the role of family income in most studies but does not generally eliminate it. Ellwood and Kane (2000) and Carneiro ...

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The Role of Microorganisms in the Formation, Dissolution…

Mine waste rock and drainage pose lasting environmental, social, and economic threats to the mining industry, regulatory agencies, and society as a whole. Mine drainage can be alkaline, neutral, moderately, or extremely acidic and contains significant levels of sulfate, dissolved iron, and, frequently, a variety of heavy metals and metalloids, …

  • منتوجات جديدة

having a unique impact on the ecology and family life of the community. It is necessitating the movement of families from their ancestral lands to new sites thus disrupting family life patterns and traditional subsistence. activities. This paper is the result of interviews with …

  • منتوجات جديدة
How mining companies promote gender equality through …

Women working in the mining industry are looked up to by family and community members and have "switched" roles with their husbands. Some women who work in the mining industry expressed the view that, due to time commitments at work, their spouses now play the role of house husband. They also have an equal say in family …

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Indigenous engagement is transforming the future of mining

PHOTO: JEF/ADOBE IMAGES. New partnerships bridge the gap between industry and community. Canada's mining sector has an extensive history, with minerals playing a vital role in day-to-day life going back thousands of years.Since then, much has changed and the industry has experienced innumerable advancements, including in …

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Arsenic and Gold: My Family's Role in the Poisonous Legacy of Giant Mine

He was still in that role in 1958, when his team installed a baghouse—a tool that separated arsenic dust from air and allowed the mine to recapture a greater share of the toxin before it escaped the smokestack. ... My family lived out at the mine's employee settlement, a few kilometres from town. The community seemed cozy: there was a ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
An exploration into the role of personality on the …

An exploration into the role of personality on the experiences of work–family conflict among the mining industry personnel in South Africa ... R. & DeMarr, B., 1999, 'Work–family role synthesis: Individual and ijmsba.1849-5664-5419.2014.42.1006 organizational determinants', International Journal of Conflict Management 10(2), 102–129 ...

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